People from the same counties often formed social clubs or hui-kuans.
You may take all the Social Clubs directly according to the schedule.
She has tried everything: online dating, set ups, social clubs like Toastmasters.
Social Clubs offer fun and interactive way for you to further improve your English communication skills.
For example, the places that they visited in the last month range from social clubs to libraries, restaurants and golf greens.
For people living alone, being able to get out and about to do shopping, go to social clubs, and visit friends and relatives is essential.
Similar patterns of racial stratification exist in other areas, too - organized religion, social clubs, even in the choice of vacation spots.
Fuller wasn't accepted into any of Harvard's social clubs, so he sought companionship elsewhere and regularly skipped classes to attend Broadway shows.
They sold tastes of home like dried fish, herbs and tofu, but they also operated as social clubs, representing Chinese villages and counties, and provided mail and money-wiring services.
For instance, one subject said he would reap the social benefits of purchasing golf clubs because renting a set was embarrassing at business outings.
Forget about clubs, bars, even loft parties — the most creative and colorful social scene these days isn't about dancing, it's about drawing.
Clubs also organize social activities, such as dinners and outings to running trails or out-of-town RACES.
Many companies, particularly in the UK, offer corporate memberships to gyms, clubs, and other social or professional facilities.
Sporting clubs which constitute the traditional sports institutions in the world today are rapacious social instruments.
I think it's important to have a balance between study and a social life, so I'm going to join a few clubs.
Sports fans can play in the playground. Some students who are interested in social work can join many clubs.
Athletics, clubs, social events and creative arts are a part of each person's education.
Layoffs can turn social butterflies into near hermits who shun such outlets as book clubs and even church groups, finds a new study.
In addition, the local gentry, various social organizations, clubs, guilds and so on grassroots social disputes in the settlement to play a different role.
They exercise more; they belong to more clubs, take more vacations and have a more active social life, and all of these leisure habits make them happier.
Encourage resumption of social activities, athletics, clubs etc.
The known coaches of social health clubs in the well-known theoretical knowledge, high level of skills, rich in social practice.
Medical and social services include six hospitals, 17 clinics, 14 social centres, 10 hostels, 24 homes for the aged, 15 homes for the handicapped and many self-help clubs and associations.