Moreover, materials that have transitions at the temperatures that terrestrial solar-energy systems are likely to encounter are usually destructively corrosive at those temperatures.
But when they combine destructively, the dip in response can be much more severe.
They will not hesitate to destructively destroy that land and steal its harvests.
You sometimes behave irresponsibly, or even destructively , at work and in relationships.
It is frequently used by locksmiths to remove locks when they cannot be opened non-destructively.
All through the late summer and early fall, destructively heavy rains have wreaked havoc on southeast Asia.
People have the choice of dealing with anger in a positive or negative way (constructively or destructively).
I think the balance between being destructively critical and easily persuaded is tricky but crucially important.
So we can actually constructively and destructively combine these waves, these atomic orbitals to make a hybrid.
If you compare the s orbital with the bottom lobe, these have a different sign so they're going to destructively interfere.
Fourth, the crime of purchasing of lumber unlawfully or destructively felled overlaps with part of the crime of purchasing spoils.
Tomato and cucumber are widely cultivated in China. The yield and quality would be reduced destructively if they were attacked by diseases.
Each bolt lasts a few seconds so they're producing more electrical power than every nuclear plant in the world combined, and even more destructively.
To study the new method of three - dimensional reconstruction, present a new way for non - destructively display the inner structure and position the diseases of human body.
This technique used in the present analyzer can non-destructively measure light metals' residual stresses with depth resolution, such as beryllium, by altering measuring and evaluating method.
Realistic signals are made by summing sine waves of lots of frequencies, so that after some finite number of wavelengths they interfere destructively and you get a signal of finite width and duration.