Who wants to beat a retreat?
There appeared an emergency in front. We must beat a retreat immediately.
Our family beat a retreat back to the sofa as if chased by enemy soldiers.
Admitted to their ideal school, but all things heavy, often want to beat a retreat.
The commander's suspicion being not quite removed, he desired the drummer to beat a retreat.
With the increase in homework, is beginning to feel powerless, and good times to beat a retreat.
When you encounter setbacks in their careers, have beat a retreat motive, you should pay attention to, this is the most dangerous time!
When Li Da and Wang Dingnan got to Matou, they found all the motor vehicles and horse-drawn carriages facing south, ready to beat a retreat.
Yet the grouse, although it may swoop and jink to avoid a peppering of pellets, is far from the swiftest bird that might beat a retreat from the shotguns.
Met with a little bit a little bit of problem, beat a retreat immediately after setbacks, will think you are not enough, so try to ask do you have success in life?
The cat beat a hasty retreat when he saw the dog coming.
《新英汉大辞典》The point of the scary frill is to give the lizard enough time to beat a hasty retreat, rocketing up the nearest arboreal loft.
The price of gold saw its biggest fall over two days for three decades, as investors beat a sharp retreat from the recent bull market.
He was glad to get away with a mere five guineas and he beat a hasty retreat, clutching the precious bottle under his arm.
I looked back to see my "loot" when talking to me beat a hasty retreat.
The poacher beat a hasty retreat when he saw the police coming.
The thief beat a hasty retreat when he saw the police coming.
Its a mystery that has remained unsolved, as in the middle of our exploration we heard the truck door slam outside, and we all beat a hasty retreat out the back so we wouldn't get caught trespassing.
An elder woman fall, they beat a hasty retreat. Red for stop and green for go, when you met elder woman should be make a detour.
His high-handed attempt at executing justice some 40 years earlier had forced him to beat a hasty retreat out to the desert (see Exodus 2:11-25;