To hasten the development of science from the lab bench to the market place, UC is investing our own money in our own good ideas.
Rent-a-book concept arrives at UC Berkeley.
UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah later join.
Type: UC: Use Case (select from the drop-down menu).
Students in UC - Berkeley can take up StarCraft studies for college credits.
Use Case (UC) a description of system behavior in terms of sequences of actions.
Several of the other ten UC sites, such as Los Angeles and San Diego, are not far behind.
The UC campuses have collectively produced more Nobel laureates than any other university.
Between 50,000 and 100,000 children in the United States have IBD; of these, 40 percent have UC.
Remicade reduces signs and symptoms of uc and induces and maintains clinical remission in these patients.
It actually began when I met with the UC just after my appointment was announced in the winter of 2007.
Cheung Kong, UC Rusal and the listing's joint sponsors BNP Paribas and Credit Suisse declined to comment.
长江实业、俄铝及其联合保荐人——瑞信(Credit Suisse)和法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)均拒绝置评。
Jeffrey Wasserstrom is a Professor of History at UC Irvine and Asia Editor for the Los Angeles Review of Books.
Hoping there are other ways to assure scientific greatness, Douglas Leonard, Department of Astronomy, UC Berkeley.
UC is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the lining of the large intestine (colon) and rectum.
Levy is a professor of medicine and director of the UC San Francisco's Laboratory for Tumor and AIDS Virus Research.
The new UC Davis study was supported by the Advancing Theory in Biology program at the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Cohen was a physics major at Harvard, and he went on to study theoretical computer science at UC Berkeley, earning a master's.
Several of the other ten uc sites, such as Los Angeles and San Diego, are not far behind. Californians are justifiably proud.
"Perhaps life clings to these patches where entropy is going up, since we need the arrow of time to exist," UC Davis's Albrecht said.
That same professor wrote a letter of reference for my transfer to a UC school, and then again for my graduate school applications.
UC Santa Barbara's Steven D. Gaines and fellow researcher Dov Sax decided to test that theory by studying the world's far-flung islands.
加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的研究学者Steven D . Gaines和Dov Sax决定通过研究世界上许多遥远的岛屿来验证一下这个理论。
Both the UC and Cal State are planning to send professors and staff on leave, cram more students into classrooms and offer fewer courses.
Researchers from UC Davis looked at data on 29,662 people from the the National Epidemiological Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions.