Lady Gaga wore this tuxedo-ish number, with what looks like portions of an Elizabethan neck ruff protruding from the jacket.
Lady Gaga穿着一件燕尾服式的礼服,一圈类似于伊丽莎白时期的颈部飞边从外套里突了出来。
They said the paint used was also characteristic of that period, as was the intricate and costly style of the lace ruff worn by the man in the portrait.
Research scientist Steve Ruff from Arizona State University in the US took part in the study.
He found himself as finely clothed as before, but everything different, everything changed, from his ruff to his stockings.
On the way home from Vietnam, I found out that Chuck Ruff, my White House counsel during the impeachment proceeding, had died suddenly.
I hope you like it, ruff!
A diamond lead allows a ruff in dummy.
He's clever to ruff a club at trick two.
He's smart to ruff a spade AT trick one.
It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark — Howard Ruff, American author.
诺亚建方舟时还没下雨呢- - -霍华德·鲁夫,美国作家。
The frill is that ruff-like collar it uses to bluff its enemies, like feral cats.
The area the Hotel is in is scruffy and ruff and up a lane with broken down cars.
Nearly Headless Nick was gliding toward Harry, his head wobbling as usual upon his ruff.
There is a pronounced ruff around the neck which is more noticeable on dogs than bitches.
More refined with less coat or ruff in females than in males, but still in the same ratio.
Research scientist Steve Ruff from Arizona State University in the US, took part in the study.
RUFF will create a new lifestyle culture in China that will surpass anything seen in the West.
The softer undercoat is dense and short on the body and is very dense around the neck, making the ruff stand out.
A monkey (Macaca silenus) of south - central Asia, having a glossy black coat and a ruff of gray hair about the face.
She saw her father's face, with its bald brow, and reverend white beard, that flowed over the old-fashioned Elizabethan ruff;
Double-dummy, declarer had to cash HA, cross to DA, ruff a club and then run the diamonds. This Dentist's Coup avoids the trump promotion.
West studied the layout and said, the only finesse I see is the spade finesse and I would not cover with the king so you can't ruff a heart.
First we have Lady Gaga, who wore this tuxedo-ish number, with what look like portions of an Elizabethan neck ruff protruding from the jacket, out in London yesterday.
首先我们看到Lady Gaga昨晚在伦敦穿着一件燕尾服式的礼服,一圈类似于伊丽莎白时期的颈部飞边从外套里突了出来。
The wide circumference of an elaborate ruff, beneath his grey beard, in the antiquated fashion of King James' reign, caused his head to look not a little like that of John the Baptist in a charger.