Many were killed or abducted before reaching a refugee camp in Kenya, where Dau spent the next 10 years.
孩子们最后终于到达肯尼亚的一个难民营。 此后,道就在这里度过10年岁月。
"We chewed tall grasses and ate mud to stay alive," Dau remembers.
John Bul Dau explores territory few can imagine-the depths of inhumanity and the boundaries of endurance.
"The filming meant giving up my privacy, " Dau explains, "but I knew it might spread the word and help my people."
道解释说:“把我的生活拍摄成电影,意味着我已无个人隐私可言。 但是,我知道那样能把我的话传播出去,可以让我们的人得到帮助。”
A few weeks later in 2001, Dau, who had never seen electric lights or flush toilets, landed at the Syracuse, New York, airport.
To obtain low sidelobe level, tolerance analysis is applied to the antenna array composed by DAUs and the relationship between DAU features and surface planeness error are studied.
Antioxidaxion effects of Dau on cerebral hippocampal ischemia-reperfusion model in rats were investigated.
This paper corrects the viewpoint that the relegated government officials were not sent to the place of Long You Dau in the Tang Dynasty.