Since then, most firms have held steady on their head counts or have added to them slightly.
In the lingo of Indian industry, many of these companies rely on "linear" growth-they increase revenues by increasing head counts.
Due to the global recession, the enterprise has been a tough place to be in the last few years with flat it budgets and head counts.
It is impossible for big companies to double their head counts, but for each small business, adding one or two job opportunities is possible.
Steve Cushman, head of the local chamber of commerce, counts just 27 empty storefronts out of 410 along the city’s main shopping street—a rate that many cities in California would envy.
当地商会领导Steve Cushman清点该城主要商业街上空置店铺数量,结果是410间商店里有27间空置——一个让加州其他城市羡慕不已的低比率。
When you're trying to maximize a small space, every inch counts, from under the bed to unclaimed wall space over your head.
When will you get it into your head that it's the project that counts not me?.
Head models that have horns (head "gear" counts too) are not allowed.
Anyway, it isn't what's on your back that counts, it's what you've got inside your head.