1 词典释义:
spending plan
时间: 2024-11-29 17:13:04
英 [ˈspendɪŋ plan]
美 [ˈspɛndɪŋ plæn]


  • A good dose of willpower is often necessary to see any task through whether it's sticking to a spending plan or finishing a great novel.


  • A good dose of willpower is often necessary to see any task through, whether it's sticking to a spending plan or finishing a great novel.


  • Do you have a budget or a spending plan?


  • But a realistic spending plan is the very tonic many need right now.


  • A budget is a spending plan to help you forecast and control your expenses.


  • I suggest you have a spending plan a month, so, you might still have money left it.


  • In addition, Republicans largely oppose Mr. Obama's tax and spending plan to jump-start the economy.


  • All of these structures were built just before the latest spending plan, which was announced in November 2008.


  • Meet weekly with family to discuss the spending plan (don't call it a budget) for the months and years ahead.


  • Create a spending plan (if you haven't yet) for each month, and see if you can adjust it to meet that monthly goal.


  • When the expenses arise, you'll have the dollars ready to go and the outlay won't impact your spending plan that month.


  • Build the cost into your spending plan, either on the fixed or discretionary side of the ledger, whichever is appropriate.


  • Now, though, the private sector is arguing that the new spending plan actually makes it more likely America will return to the moon.


  • Shortly after the 2011 budget is settled, Congress will start haggling over the spending plan for fiscal 2012, which begins this October.


  • Sticking to a budget - a dirty word even among many financial planners, who prefer the more euphemistic "spending plan" - feels too much like dieting.


  • Then, give your spending plan a sense of purpose; budgets with a goal, whether it's a European vacation or buying a home, tend to be the most successful.


  • Debt reduction: I turned this goal into a few different habits, including creating a monthly spending plan, learning to stick to the spending plan, and making automatic debt and savings payments.


  • You should have the same financial goals, and from there you should agree on a general spending plan and a policy for impulse buying that won't have either of you wanting to choke the other.


  • Impulsive spending isn't an option, so plan your week's menu in advance, making shopping lists for your ingredients in their exact quantities.


  • Worryingly, the plan contains few details on how spending will be cut.


  • The president's plan first came under fire from critics who said he hadn't included enough spending cuts.


  • Change your spending habits: do you always plan before you buy something or do you just pick things up?


  • Spending time on your project isn't about developing a specific plan--it's about the process of discovery.

    在你的项目上投入时间并 不是去拟出一个特定的计划,而是一个探索的过程。

  • So if taxes don’t matter, does the incoming majority have a realistic plan to cut spending?


  • Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty unveiled his economic plan in Chicago, which includes cuts in both spending and taxes.


  • Mr McCain and Mr Obama both plan to reduce the deficit through spending cuts, but are short on details.


  • You feel guilty spending the money — and pushing yourself to plan the trip becomes a burden.


  • Plan on spending some time there because the salesperson should ask you lots of questions and have several running shoe options for you to try out.
