The central royal courts at Westminster developed gradually from the administrative functions of the Curia Regis.
Benedict has tried twice to simplify the Curia but been thwarted each time.
Curia, whether the General Assembly, or upper house seats are not civilians.
The man chosen, Urban VI, was not a cardinal, but he had served in the curia.
Paul also reorganized the curia and spoke strongly for peace and social justice.
The papal curia or court, reorganized and massively expanded, became the center of ecclesiastical finance and administration.
Another frequently voiced complaint is that he has failed to get a grip on the Roman Curia, the central administration of the church.
Under John Paul the Curia acquired a string of new "pontifical councils", quasi-ministries that deal with everything from health workers to Canon law.
The royal courts, before which the parties named in the various writs were ordered to appear, were presided over by officials sent from the Curia called itinerant Justices.
Trust is a special managerial system of property, which is originated from the Middle Ages in Britain established by the Cancellaria curia and then spread to all over the world.
The first was the Court of Exchequer, which emerged from the tax department of the Curia as the arena for the settlement of revenue disputes although this jurisdiction was widened by various methods.