1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-12-07 19:50:17
英 [ˈepsɪˌlɒn] [epˈsaɪlən]


  • Times epsilon as the scaling factor.


  • And put the epsilon zero states up here.


  • So here's kT much less than epsilon zero.


  • Epsilon zero is the permittivity of vacuum.


  • Epsilon lies at the western edge of the constellation.


  • At last be aware that epsilon rules are not transitive.


  • Rustedsuggests that epsilon 4 helps people focus on important information.


  • Epsilon assured its clients that the leak was confined to E-mail addresses and...


  • Epsilon Eridani b orbits an orange Sun-like star only 10.5 light years away from Earth.

    Epsilon Eridani b围绕着一颗橘红色类似太阳的恒星运行,它距离地球只有10.5光年。

  • The Epsilon Series is the most compact digital servo drive in the Numatics lineup.


  • Epsilon sends more than 40 billion emails a year for about 2,500 companies around the world.


  • There are 11 known rings and the brightest and outermost ring is called the Epsilon ring.


  • But the system variance is going to be on the order of the square root of N times epsilon.


  • Perhaps, Rusted says, without this second capability, epsilon 4's benefits fallby the wayside.


  • ClareMacKay, who studies the effect of epsilon 4 on cognition at OxfordUniversity, thinks not.


  • "This graphic illustrated a new discovery related to the Epsilon Eridani star system," Pyle says.


  • The planet orbiting epsilon Eridani is a giant planet, with a mass about 1.5 times that of Jupiter.

    带有行星的epsilon Eridani是一颗巨行星,质量为木星的1.5倍。

  • Every 27 years, a bright star called Epsilon Aurigae fades over period of two years, then brightens.

    每隔27年,一个被称为牧夫座ep silon的明亮恒星都会进入为期2年的暗淡时期,然后再度变亮。

  • In other words combination of two arithmetic operations may produce rounding error that significantly exceeds 2 epsilon.


  • Epsilon Eridani is located about 10 light-years away in the constellation Eridanus and is visible in the night skies with the naked eye.

    Epsilon Eridani位于波江星座以外10光年的地方,地球的夜空中目力可及。

  • These are epsilon Eridani, a single K star at a distance of 10.5 light-years, and the red dwarf GJ 674 at a distance of 14.8 light-years.

    他们是距离为 10.5 光年的一颗 K 等单星 epsilon Eridani 和距离为 14.8 光年的红矮星 GJ 674。

  • So here's epsilon zero, 0 two epsilon zero, 0 three epsilon zero, It says, you know, if kT is about ten times bigger than epsilon zero.


  • Only further research will tell how many planets actually reside in the epsilon Eri system, and whether any are of astrobiological interest.

    只有继续研究我们才可能了解在epsilon eri星系中有多少颗行星,以及其中是否有值得太空生物学注意的对象。

  • There are three sizes of each Epsilon drive: 2 Amp, 3 Amp and 5 Amp, with the largest drive delivering up to 37 lb-in continuous torque.


  • Epsilon assured its clients that the leak was confined to E-mail addresses and did not compromise their customers' financial information.


  • One big clue that epsilon 4 might be beneficial emerged several years ago, when Han's team scanned the APOEgenes of 78 American soldiers.


  • He opted not to know whether he was carrying the epsilon 4 version, which can vastly increase the odds of developing Alzheimer's disease.


  • I spoke with media representative Jessican Simon, from Epsilon and inquired whether the company had an updated list of the affected companies.


  • Epsilon assured its clients that the leak was confined to E-mail addresses and did not compromise their customers' financial information. See article.


  • On April 1st Epsilon revealed that an outsider had managed to get hold of the E-mail addresses and names of some individuals that it held on its system.
