We get a fairly large portion of calories from fast food and snacks.
The East African language of Kiswahili was chosen as an official language of Kwanzaa because it is a non-tribal language spoken by a large portion of the African population.
The East African language of Kiswahili was chosen as the official language of Kwanzaa because it is a non-tribal language, spoken by a large portion of the African population.
If an overweight person is having a large portion, I'll hold back a bit because I see the results of his eating habits.
The goal of the project was to boost wheat production in Mexico, which at the time was importing a large portion of its grain.
The large portion of the window is the text editor.
A large portion of TV coverage is given over to sports eoverage.
A large portion of Web 2.0 content is generated by users and communities.
大部分Web 2.0内容由用户和社区生成。
The resort complex would straddle a large portion of a key environmental area.
A large portion of the poor population in Shaanxi lives in the Ankang region.
In recent years, a large portion of the buyers bought out of their price range.
In a land poorly suited to agriculture, meat and dairy make up a large portion of the diet.
When you refine your keywords, keep in mind that a large portion of searches are three words or more.
Most likely a large portion of that talk will fall into one of those 10 cognitive distortion categories.
AWE is a mechanism for accessing a very large portion of memory through a potentially smaller window.
Logging is clearly a concern that applies across a large portion of a typical enterprise application's code.
Officials say the ship loaded with coal has destroyed a large portion of a Marine sanctuary in Sarangari Bay.
It gives you easy access to the properties of selected elements without taking up a large portion of the screen.
And unfortunately, they make up a large portion of the California by-catch — up to 26 percent of the drift net.
XSS vulnerabilities represent a large portion of all the documented Web-site vulnerabilities in 2007 (see Resources).
Therefore, if a large portion of the memory has been paged out, the duration of the migration operation will increase.
The vogue may be translated into negatively impact on the young generation which composes a large portion of groupies.
All of the "you know how I know you're gay" insults were unscripted and in fact, a large portion of the film was improvised.
At any rate, WSDL is a format for describing networked XML services, filling a large portion of the need I described earlier.
A large portion of the chapter entitled "Software Requirements Definition" in Fairley's book is about different specification methods.
While a large portion of its risk was taken via derivatives, there is no doubt that what turned bad was the underlying real estate risk.