1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-02-15 06:31:34

pl-n. 故事情节;(storyline的复数)

  • Such storylines prevail in most dramas set in China's ancient times.


  • Numerous storylines make this Rockets season exciting and intriguing.


  • "I don't think there were this many storylines in Crash, " he writes.


  • There are several distinct, but intertwined, storylines in Guild Wars 2.


  • One such thing that had everybody excited was hints on storylines for the upcoming season.


  • It is often very true that storylines are rehashed over and over, just with different characters.


  • The films focused on real characters and strong storylines that 7 struck a chord with the people.


  • Not only does he put the news in proper context, he also suggests good storylines when they're needed.


  • And he again cites growing older as the reason he now thinks more complicated storylines are better than simple ones.


  • It can also be seen in contemporary Western operas that, while they don't have Asian storylines, use more abstract plots.


  • The storylines are meant for children so they have simple sentence structure, but are amusing and humorous at the same time.

    故事情节主要是为了孩童设计,所以句式比较简单,但是同时又很风趣幽默。 2。

  • Week Ahead - Love Focus: Academics inform us that there are only seven possible storylines that any novel or a film can follow.


  • The children viewed pictures of people of assorted RACES and genders and assigned negative or positive storylines to each picture.


  • The so called storylines are often just simple excuses for the player to go to exotic locations and blast every living thing in sight.


  • The show has different educational storylines and characters around the world, to reflect issues affecting children in specific countries.


  • The TV company created "stressful and harmful situations" to provoke entertaining storylines, said the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums.


  • For the eighth season, the Chronicle storylines were phased out, with the series shifting its full attention to the home life of the characters.


  • Pay attention to the reliefs with classical storylines: dancing maidens with garlands and grapes. The building entrance is shaped like a keyhole.


  • Over the next two months, the exhibition will be periodically updated, with the pieces recombined and reorganized to suggest different storylines.


  • The move was to maintain the secrecy of the show's season 6 storylines, which are expanding beyond the scope of author George R. R. Martin's novels for the first time.


  • First, Choi Jong-il, the founder of Iconix (pictured, with friend), meticulously studied the storylines, theme music and other aspects of Western preschool hits such as Teletubbies.


  • It is often very true that storylines are rehashed over and over, just with different characters. Soaps need to remain contemporary: life and society are both constantly evolving.


  • Storylines include how people got to your site, what they searched for when they were there, what they looked at and what they did not look at, and how all of this has changed over time.


  • And so the storylines would read that these entities came to the your planet in great spaceships and interacted with those who lived on the planet, in the water, and below the surface.


  • The movie follows a series of interconnected storylines about crime and drugs, where Zac will play a young man hoping to get rich quick by taking the job as a runner for a cocaine dealer.


  • The campaign's overall focus is on the global nature of women's tennis and reveals unique and heartfelt storylines that include Serbia's Ana Ivanovic having to practice in a war-torn Belgrade;


  • When it first aired in Japan in 1966, the Ultraman TV series was a hit – despite its *cheesy performances and cliched storylines, which involved men in *spandex suits fighting hokey-looking monsters.
