Laundry-room storage organizes not only cleaning essentials but also easy-to-misplace items like a fly swatter.
Do I often misplace things?
I often misplace something that she should have put away.
We should totally have a club for people who misplace stuff.
Should you misplace it, please notify the front desk immediately.
Wrap USB cable around the case and never misplace your cable again.
The syllabus will guide you through the entire semester, do not misplace it.
We usually misplace our energy to avoid having to take accountability for something.
By the way, if you ever misplace something you downloaded today, run find to discover it.
You often misplace your keys or spend ten minutes looking for the glasses you're already wearing.
In this paper, new method of measuring misplace of well casing using panoramic TV system is proposed.
You misplace your keys, waver between work assignments and YouTube, and daydream during conversations.
Focus on the image you present to the world. Meanwhile, expect to misplace or lose things. Be mindful.
Third, I'm a forgetful person. I often misplace things. I'm the type of person who is always losing things.
第三,我很健忘。 我常常忘记把东西放在哪 里。 我是那种丢三落四的人。
It became impossible to sail off the map, there was nowhere left to misplace Paradise and the imagination had less to do.
When people lose or misplace their cell phones, they often report feeling a sense of emptiness, of panic, almost of grieving.
Back then, in the forties, we believed we were already forsaken, destined to fall down, drop things, forget, and misplace our minds.
You will lose the richness and beauty of each moment. You will, in the end, misplace the essence of your relationship with each other.
Train yourself to put your keys, glasses, cell phone or any other object you frequently use (or misplace) in the basket — every time.
If you misplace this you can't get a new Social Security number, and it will mean dealing 4with the possibility of identity theft for awhile.
如果你放错了地方,你不能拿到新的社保号,这将意味着在一段时间内处理身份失窃的可能性。 。
Store all ideas in One Accessible Location - Documenting all your ideas during a sudden burst of clarity is worthless if you misplace your notes.
Now here's the trick: as soon as you find one, buy a bunch of them and hide all but one. That way, if you misplace it, you've got several backups.
You know how things get piled up on my desk when I am busy-i know that sometimes I do misplace things, but I always read all the memos that go around.
The effect of dispersion direction and optical fibers relative misplace to imaging quality as well as the measure that should be taken are analyzed in this paper.
"When you misplace your keys when you're 25, you don't pay any attention to it," he said. "But when you do the identical thing at 50 or older, you raise an eyebrow."
If you work in the type of company that can lose archived logs required for disaster recovery, the presence of incremental and delta images gives you more things to misplace.
They can't hold jobs, and, because they are so disorganized, they pay their bills late, if at all, lose track of appointments and misplace their kids' school permission slips.
lose, miss, misplace
lose : 最普通用词,侧重遗失了,难以找回来。
miss : 着重发觉某人或某物不见的瞬间,也可作思念解。
misplace : 指反映东西放错或故意放错地方。
错误, 坏
- misapplyv. 误用;滥用;错用;不当使用;误投
- mistaken. 错误;过失;(言语或行为上的)失误;(用词或数字等上的)口误;误解;差错;疏忽;失策;误判
- mistrustv. 不信任;猜疑;对…持怀疑态度;对…缺乏信心
- misconductn. 不端行为;不当行为;违规行为;失职;玩忽职守;处理不当;管理不善
- mismanagementn. 管理不善;处置失当
- misbehavev. 行为不端;行为不规范;出现故障;运行异常
- miscalculatev. 算错;误算;错误估计;估计失误;(对形势)判断错误;计算不准确
- misleadv. 误导;欺骗;引入歧途;导致误解;使误信;诱导错误;使迷惑;使持有错误观念;诱入歧途
- misfortunen. 不幸;厄运;灾难;不幸的事故;倒霉;逆境;灾祸;困境;悲剧
- misunderstandv. 误解;曲解;错误地解释;误解…的话
- misconceptionn. 误解;误会;错觉;错误认识
- misusev. 滥用;误用;错用;不当使用;对…使用不当;虐待
- misconstruev. 误解;误会;曲解;误读;误译
- misunderstandingn. 误解;误会;曲解;冲突;矛盾;分歧;不和;争执;意见不一
- misinformv. 误报;误传;提供错误信息;误导
- misrepresentv. 歪曲事实;误传;不实报道;曲解;歪曲真相;误导;给出假象;不忠实地代表
- misjudgev. 对(时间、距离等)判断错误;判断失误;对…作出错误评价;形成错误认识
- misalignn. 不重合;位移
- mishapn. 不幸;意外;小事故;不测;不幸事件;意外事件
- misinterpretv. 误解;曲解;错误解释;错误理解;误诠;误读