This impressive display is clearly visible in the light spectrum illuminating the forest floor.
We didn't find the examples he used particularly illuminating.
《牛津词典》It would be illuminating to hear the views of the club vice-chairman.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》The catalogue includes a lucid and illuminating essay on church practice and the use of objects such as these by one of the curators, Nigel Llewellyn.
The SXSW survey was fun, but didn't appear all that illuminating as to more general trends. I did however glean some of Ariely's bigger picture ideas.
It is both an analytical, theoretical fascination and a personal one, her reading and her experience locked together, each testing and illuminating the other.
The novel is particularly illuminating and incisive on the subject of female friendship, on what draws girls and women together and then drives them apart.
After all,let’s admit that such venues can be far more intriguing, illuminating andunpredictable than looking at art in the typical white box art fair booth!
The Red Hot Chili Peppers got turned on by the bulb during 1994's Woodstock Music Festival, dawning memorable self-illuminating costumes for their stage show.
Why can't we find what it takes to remain illuminating creatures when we bear witness time after time of the glorious dreams we have shown to be so capable of.
This torch of the names of the streets of Paris, with which we are illuminating for the reader jean Valjean's subterranean march, jean Valjean himself did not possess.
We can see that the explanation of how an object behaves might need to be put in non physical terms in order to be illuminating and the same clearly applies to us.
So I've been recharging it outside in the cold, including days when the windchill factor was about minus 5, and it worked fine, illuminating a dim corner of my kitchen.
Mr Acharya and his colleagues have been prolific and illuminating in their response to the financial crisis to date, and there is a lot to like about their approach.
This first photograph was captured during an eight hour exposure, taking so much time that the sun passed overhead and thus illuminating both sides of the courtyard.
In one image, the whole of the frame is filled with the solar system's billions of brightly lit stars - with the vibrant green flashes of the Aurora illuminating the sky.
The last one, the Prisoner's Dilemma, is the most illuminating, and became the guinea pig model for over 200 published social psychology experiments in the late 1960s.
The eye of this business-school professor for interesting stories is sharp and he offers illuminating explanations of why India and China work in the ways that they do.
If you don't believe that you can find even a few dollars a week to put aside, it can be illuminating to keep a spending diary to find out where all of your money goes.
Biologists have found a new way to peer back 130 million years in time, illuminating the catastrophic period in which the dinosaurs perished and birds and mammals arose.
The hope is that this device will help to improve the treatment of glaucoma by illuminating the relationship between variations in the IOP and the progression of the disease.
I find the comment on page 75 very illuminating "...because it (MS) is a cyclic disease and responsive to suggestion, it is one of the diseases charltans most like to treat."
Data from South Korea and Japan paint a somewhat more illuminating picture of Chinese diversification, though the amounts involved are small relative to China's total holdings.
Surveys of candidates in target seats by Conservative Intelligence, a new research group devoted to illuminating the inner workings of the party, reveal quite traditional views.
The international Census of Marine Life, a $650 million, 10-year-long endeavor, has started to fill in the large blanks, illuminating new swaths of the mysterious deep along the way.
在国际海洋生物名录普查中,一个耗资 65亿美元,耗时10年的项目,开始填补这片空白,照亮并开启这片新的神秘地带。
Stuxnet is also illuminating in another way: it reveals the potential for cyber-weapons that target specific systems, rather than simply trying to cause as much mayhem as possible.
illuminating lamp