1 词典释义:
looking forward to, be
时间: 2025-03-05 17:04:30


  • You must really be looking forward to it.


  • If you're planning on being one of them soon, you might not be looking forward to the unpleasant feeling air travel often leaves you with.


  • We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.


  • We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.


  • You children on the other hand will know the routine and they will be looking forward to your play time instead of nagging you every 15 minutes.


  • We wanted them nearby, and they were looking forward to the move, mostly to be near their only grandchild.


  • We have had AJWS placements in South Africa, West Africa, India, and South America, and are looking forward to the next one, wherever that may be.


  • This eternal inheritance, not retirement, is what you should be looking forward to and working for.


  • I've not really thought about it. If we won it, I'd be looking forward to a holiday with the family straight after, just celebrating privately.


  • And when you are looking forward to be captain, it was wrong to annoy the owner.


  • We are looking forward to your valuable comments and Suggestions, which will be a generous help to our endeavors to host a successful, splendid and unforgettable Expo.


  • After a long day I wasn't particularly looking forward to it, but it turned out to be a lot of fun and I stayed well past the scheduled end time.


  • He is said to be looking forward to making more family films. Perhaps, but he still looks a little out of place in the magic kingdom.


  • He is said to be looking forward to making more family films.


  • Looking forward, there will increasingly be other options to the dollar.


  • While enjoying their time on the high seas, the crew were glad to be back on the ground, looking forward to having a nice shower and enjoying a good meal.


  • Looking forward again to 2011, mobile looks to be the biggest beneficiary of where travel companies will spend budgets on digital content.


  • Miss Davidson, who admitted that she was "looking forward to my first legal drink", will be the guest of honour tomorrow at a charity ball which is being held to mark her coming of age.


  • We're excited to see if those glowing green accents will emit light or be visually passive... and we're looking forward to seeing the price tag as well.


  • We would be looking forward to your coming.


  • There's still time to turn this around. But Mr. Obama has to be stronger looking forward.


  • You'll actually be looking forward to the slow periods!


  • But she'll be looking forward now to the Fourth of July.


  • It is clear he knows who his opponent is going to be and I am looking forward to a great debate.


  • We seem to be looking forward to the next step, but equally afraid of the risk or change that may result from the required actions.


  • "I am looking forward to a time when I will be free as the birds again," Albert said.


  • It's going to be a tough week but I'm looking forward to it.


  • "He is going to be so emotional, as am I, but we're both looking forward to it and very happy about it," she said.

    他会很激动,我也是,但我们都非常期 待这场婚礼,也非常高兴。

  • I'm so looking forward to the Olympics. It's going to be a great event.
