Worst of all, for a playwright specializing in characters who use the vernacular, he has a tin ear for dialogue.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》The vast majority of the population used their own regional vernacular in all aspects of their lives.
Vernacular fiction was scorned as a disreputably popular form.
Tom: Yes, till modern history, modern vernacular Chinese is popular.
Even the root for romanticism is "enromancier" meaning vernacular.
Write a narrative descriptive passage in a vernacular other than your own.
To meet this challenge I find it helpful to establish a common vernacular.
From Figure 1, we derived the first two definitions in our new vernacular.
I tend to extend the vernacular to include the owner of the software asset, such that.
Painted wicker side tables by Maine Cottage and paddle lamps add to the local vernacular.
由缅因小屋(Maine Cottage)制作的彩绘柳条边桌和桨灯为本地的民间风味更添色彩。
JAX-RS establishes a vernacular to describe resources as represented by its programming model.
JAX - RS建立了一种特殊的语言来描述资源,正如由其编程模型所表示的。
Our national vernacular is filled with antiblack euphemisms, but cosmopolitan isn't one of them.
Written under a pseudonym, the book is a naturalistic masterpiece composed in the vernacular language.
In Figure 2, we illustrate such a subset of Web services and derive three new additions to our vernacular.
You may not agree with all the definitions I provide, but this will give us a common vernacular going forward.
Concerns over greenhouse gas emissions have vaulted the term "carbon footprint" into the mainstream vernacular.
对于温室气体排放的强烈关注使得“碳足迹(carbon footprint)”这一专有名词进入了主流人群的视野。
What Apple has done by introducing its "post-PC" language into the vernacular is almost more a game of semantics.
Like practitioners of other art, UNIX users have an extensive vernacular for describing the specifics of their work.
And as the museum makes plans to scatter their creations around the world, it is the vernacular city that is being lost.
Previously, the new vernacular writers were viewed a bit like outlaws, hovering on the edge of a town that was run by a cabal.
以前,人们认为新型的方言作家和恶棍差不多。 他们这群人流荡在人数不多的小镇郊区。
Of course, a great many also speak the Windows vernacular, although most are versed only in Windows' point-and-click patois.
Not Broom's Bohemian egghead air guitarist, but another kind of vernacular, another kind of celebration and another kind of music.
Finding patterns in communication doesn't just show how funny captions about photos of cats leak into the public vernacular, Golub says.
This new vernacular provides a framework for understanding the intentions of both companies with respect to Web service technologies.
就 Web 服务技术而言,这个新的术语集为理解这两家公司的意图提供了一个框架。