Scientists have responded by noting that hungry bears may be congregating around human settlements, leading to the illusion that populations are higher than they actually are.
Suspended on their stilts, the actors remove their masks and reveal their off-white faces, staring terrified at a sunless sky, dark clouds congregating.
The crowds are congregating in the square.
The spatial distribution patterns of larvae and pupae are congregating distribution.
The sky was gray with the gloomy clouds congregating gradually along the far eastern horizon.
The sky was gray with the gloomy clouds congregating gradually along the far eastern horizon.
Pictures from the central city of Wuhan showed large crowds congregating outside a Carrefour supermarket.
Methods The coagulation time and congregating rate were compared between IMB and common gauze (CG) in vitro.
Results Coagulation time was significantly shorter and congregating rate higher in IMB group than in CG group (P<0.05).
结果碘仿混合物组较对照全血凝时间明显缩短、血小板聚集率增大(P< 0 0 5 ) ;
Walruses are highly social animals, frequently congregating in large groups and communicating with loud bellows and snorts.
The sky was gray with the gloomy clouds congregating gradually along the far eastern horizon. "There must be a heavy rain soon."
With a bevy of planets congregating in your eighth house of other people's money, you'll be wheeling and dealing with the best of 'em.
This method is complicated by the need to find suitable compatible liquids and to stop the glassy particles from congregating in liquid.
As one of the most important equipments, Air blower of colliery is the most efficient way to prevent gas from congregating and exploding.
A new comprehensive evaluation system based on congregating approach of growth elements analysis, cluster analysis and AHP is presented in the paper.
The congregating and association would spark the fire of wisdom , which accelerates the developing of society and makes matter and mind unite more closely.
Higher educational school is not only a base that cultivates and conveys talented people; also it is a premise of congregating and utilizing those talented.
The bears are slowly congregating along the coast, anticipating the winter freeze of Hudson Bay when they can get onto the ice and hunt their favorite meal of ringed seal.
The Square is a popular meeting place for friends looking for a drink and a chat after a hard days slog and for tourists who seem to enjoy congregating outside the tube station.
He added: "Facebook is about core communications with your friendship network, whereas MySpace is about congregating around popular content with people who share your interests."
She conjures millions of years of human prehistory: small groups of hunter-gatherers wandering the savanna, and then congregating a few times a year at this or that watering hole.
So it's essential that you doa top-to-bottom inventory of your house to determine where allergensare congregating (bedding, carpet, damp areas, and air filters arelikely spots) and clean them up.