Training at weekends may be uncompensated.
Where this fails, the person may retain an uncompensated feeling of inferiority.
Factory workers arrive early and stay late, without pay. Training at weekends may be uncompensated.
Human-resource managers would understandably rejoice at what amounts to more uncompensated overtime.
Thus, the quadratic indirect utility function is less attractive because the uncompensated demand functions are non-linear in the parameters.
No form of forced labour or involuntary or uncompensated work will be accepted. This includes all forms of compulsory agreements and illegal labour.
One only tends to think of compensation sedimentation, but neglect uncompensated sedimentation in compiling structural growth section by thickness method.
Insured people and taxpayers are forced to cross-subsidise such "uncompensated" and wasteful treatments to the tune of tens of billions of dollars per year.
The results show: uncompensated wage elasticity of married women and income elasticity are 0.4380 and -0.1845, while labor supply of married men is inelastic.
研究结果表明,已婚女性劳动供给的非补偿性工资弹性和收入弹性分别约为0.4380和- 0.1845,而已婚男性劳动供给缺乏弹性。
Only with these defensive measures in the patent protection, knowledge of traditional medicine and bioresourse can not be protected from being uncompensated use.
Should there be an uncompensated variation in the reference junction temperature, there will be a corresponding change in millivolt with a resultant error in temperature measurement.