The whole country is in a state of alert.
Meanwhile Britain remains at its highest state of alert.
This is like a soldier in the battlefield, always the same need to maintain a high state of alert.
He said embassy staff were still in a heightened state of alert but there were no specific threats against any staff members.
Southern areas of the Netherlands are on the top state of alert after a blaze at a chemical plant near Rotterdam sent out a thick plume of smoke.
Sub health state of alert people to pursue scientific and healthy modern life protection increasing awareness in health care products market sales letter to increase year by year.
Under normal circumstances people generally prefer to avoid stimulation, but when they enter a state of alert, well prepared, when the experience of fear is also a happy experience.
Whenever you genuinely feel good, if you stay alert you will see that this state of being is one where your thought process has slowed down.
Once the chart creeps above the yellow line for at least the minimum amount of time as specified by the alert, the metric reaches the "warning" state.
Your callback function will run several times — each time the ready state of the request changes — and you'll see an alert for each ready state.
A central location to view the alert state of all instances and their databases.
When dolphins sleep, they sleep in a semi-alert state by resting one side of their brain at a time.
Again, ensure that the "state" of all the members is "started" and alert column is "NO."
A former American official, speaking on condition of anonymity, says that Washington is even now in a state of "high alert".
For many of us, this means living in a constant state of high alert, or a state of fear.
When a person first hears about imagination, he perhaps sees it as the exception to his normally alert state of mind.
Because the state is still set to indicate the availability of an update, the alert will appear again the next time the user launches your application.
This thesis is a part of the Intrusion Detection Alert Management and Intrusion Respond System (IDAMIRS), and it USES the ontology to build the security state part of knowledge base.
Objective: To investigate the reasons of deterioration from an alert state for head injury patients and work out the best diagnosis and treatment method.
Arguments over familiar essays indicated some modern writers were in the mental state of being alert to or resistant to the commercialized culture mechanism.
The entire body is in a state of high alert, ready to stay and fight or say "Feet don't fail me now".
Today, ECB President Trichet (Jean-Claude Trichet) said in a speech of Amsterdam, Policy Committee members are in a State of high alert, suggesting that they intend to raise interest rates next week.
So, to understand what is requires a state of mind in which there is no identification or condemnation, which means a mind that is alert and yet passive.