In Zhenzhong Qu, longitudinal wave to the ground moving from top to bottom Britain.
The energy loss of the gliding irrotational wave pair is made up by the longitudinal wave beam.
Sound: Mechanical disturbance that propagates as a longitudinal wave through a solid, liquid, or gas.
The test results indicate that the above factors do not have much effect on ultrasonic longitudinal wave testing.
The longitudinal wave cannot exist near the surface of a solid, and those exist near it are gliding irrotational waves.
The relationships between dynamic contact force and indentation are derived in the case of longitudinal wave propagation.
This paper deduces the errors sources from the process of ultrasonic longitudinal wave testing and evaluates its uncertainty.
Solid Youngs modulus is determined by measuring the propagation speed of longitudinal wave induced by ultrasonic wave in solid media.
Solid Young's modulus is determined by measuring the propagation speed of longitudinal wave induced by ultrasonic wave in solid media.
Yet the advancing longitudinal wave beam expands continuously towards the surface, and produces new gliding irrotational waves with it.
It is the gliding irrotational wave pair, not the longitudinal wave beam itself that excites longitudinal wave in mud to generate signal.
A pressure disturbance cannot drive the energy release profile uniformly to the anti-node region to result in a sustained longitudinal wave.
Mechanical disturbance that propagates as a longitudinal wave through a solid, liquid, or gas. A sound wave is generated by a vibrating object.
The results show that the longitudinal wave velocity is closely correlated to strain energy factor and exhibits the blastability of frozen soil.
Furthermore, the relationship among longitudinal wave velocity, peak stress and peak strain present different laws according to the types of rocks.
As the S-wave transmission from the impact of fluid properties, compared to the longitudinal wave the near-surface of S-wave can reach under the water table.
Using the speed ratio of longitudinal wave and transverse wave to research transformation of lithology along crosswise and water-carrying fractures, thereby service...
The sensor was applied to detect several kinds of laser ultrasonic, such as surface acoustic wave, Lamb wave and longitudinal wave, well-defined waveforms were obtained.
The results show that the average velocity of the shock wave attenuation in magnesium alloy is in good agreement with the propagation velocity of stress longitudinal wave;
The results shows that porosity of rock is the main factor affecting the velocity of longitudinal wave. The shale content has a smaller affect on the wave velocity than sh…
The relationship between uniaxial compressive strength and the velocity of longitudinal wave of concrete material with different grading is found through laboratory testing.
The gliding longitudinal wave contains three parts, longitudinal wave beam, negative exponential gliding ivro-tational wave and positive exponential gliding irrotational wave.
It is indicated that the longitudinal wave speed, shear wave speed, as well as the dynamic Young's modulus of the Mogao grottoes increase with the increasing depth of grottoes.
The 2-D nonlinear longitudinal wave in the isotropy solid medium studied in this paper is the finite amplitude wave, which thought about the nonlinear of the motion and medium.
A little apart from the surf ace, the longitudinal wave beam may exist and propagate parallel to the surface, yet has to connect with its corresponding gliding irrotational waves.
The experiment results indicted that there existed fairly good linearity between the grain sizes and longitudinal wave velocities when the measurements were done with 5p14z probe.
实验结果表明,用5 P 14 Z探头测得的纵波声速与晶粒尺寸之间有很好的线性关系。
Secondly, when the operation frequency is given, the dispersion relation between transverse wave vectors were analyzed with various longitudinal wave vector or modulation coefficients.
A low frequency multi mode ultrasonic Lamb wave method suitable for characterizing shear and longitudinal wave velocities, thickness and density of ultra thin elastic layers is presented.
The result demonstrates that the twisting wave is longitudinal wave by anglicizing physical meaning of the longitudinal wave equation, transverse wave equation, and twisting wave equation.
A low frequency ultrasonic Lamb like wave method suitable for characterizing the thickness, density, shear and longitudinal wave velocities of the ultra thin bonding composite is presented.