The factory is phasing out that product.
We will be phasing out support for your browser soon.
Phasing out MTBE would not solve the problem of leaking tanks.
The Germans are actively considering phasing out their nuclear program entirely.
Fortunately, my kids are phasing out of the Wiggles' music. It's brutally catchy!
But is phasing out a major of vocational training the only way to improve employment?
Both companies say they are committed to phasing out the trans fats from their cooking oils.
Many multinational companies are phasing out special pay packages for foreigners altogether.
Provides some Suggestions and recommendations for substituting and phasing out HCFCs in China.
Besides, phasing out MTBE by 2003, the state actually USES more MTBE now than when it decided on the ban.
They include bringing inflation to heel and phasing out unsustainable subsidies for fuel, fertilizer and food.
Sony will neither confirm nor deny rumors that it's phasing out 80GB PS3 and ditching backward compatibility.
索尼将在既没有证实也没有否认传言说,它的逐步淘汰80 GB的PS3和开沟向后兼容。
One decision that the IT team made is to begin phasing out the shelf-top servers in favor of rack-mounted hardware.
The bank suggests that phasing out the household registration system would encourage more people to move to the city.
The bank suggests that phasing out the household-registration system would encourage more people to move to the city.
The LCBO is phasing out its plastic shopping bags, which it says are part of its efforts to become a greener organization.
A timely pieceof research by Deutsche Bank boldly states that phasing out nuclear powerplants “is not a viable policy option.”
Rather, the phasing out of heparin has followed a linear course over several years, with less variation between hospitals.
Gillette said Thursday it was phasing out that program and not renewing the contract with Woods and several other athletes.
Turned out it was a stack of file boxes left there during the big house cleaning when they were phasing out our emergency room.
The proposal takes the long-overdue step of phasing out the portion of the student-loan program that relies on private lenders.
We plan to begin phasing out support of these older browsers on the Google Docs suite and the Google Sites editor on March 1, 2010.
There is no question that phasing out coal, the most polluting of fossil fuels, will be a challenge for China, as it is for all countries.
Morin said several options were now on the table, including phasing out the operation and turning the tasks over to civilians and Bosnian soldiers.
The source said the Saudis believe Omar wants a commitment from Karzai to talk to the United States about phasing out U. S. troops from Afghanistan.
Labor cattle raising in sugarcane production area used to be the traditional animal raising mode, but it has been phasing out in present sugarcane production.
Dr Frank Drake said the phasing out of analogue transmissions from television, radio and radar was making our planet electronically invisible from outer space.
Frank Drake博士声称由于电视、无线电和雷达越来越少采用模拟信号进行传输,这一过程使地球在地外文明的电子设备上逐渐隐形。