The campaign is intended to raise public awareness of protecting our earth.
The head of Surabaya's transportation department said, "With this decision, we hope to raise public awareness about environment, especially people's awareness about plastic waste."
Raise public awareness of conservation.
The booklet helped raise public awareness of the product.
Risk communications, involving the media, should be practised to raise public awareness.
The two organizations work together to raise public awareness of the vast scale of hunger worldwide.
It meant that the years spent trying to raise public awareness that iodized salt prevents brain damage in infants were working.
To raise public awareness, JAXA is conducting a "Wish Upon the Moon" campaign that allows people to send brief messages up with the orbiter.
It aims to raise public awareness around the world about blindness and visual impairment, and to garner support and commitment in ensuring the right to sight for all.
The aim of this project and its webpage, information and listings is to raise public awareness of environmentally sensitive cleaning practices and their availability.
Beijing will widely organize environmental communication and education activities to raise public awareness and leave rich environmental legacy to China and world sports.
Join millions of people, and celebrate Car Free Day on Earth Day! Use Earth Day as a way to raise public awareness about sustainable transportation solutions in your city.
Fifth, we are working to raise public awareness of the importance of IPR protection to encourage consumers, businesses and social groups to play their part in protecting IPR.
And for various reasons put forward sound legislation, improving quality and strengthening enforcement enterprise production Guide and raise public awareness of countermeasures.
The fact that so many people still smoke in public place suggests that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.
The public should raise environmental awareness and realize it is everyone's duty to protect the environment.
Sensitize and educate the public about mental health and mental disorders, and raise awareness of the rights of people with mental disorders.
The Orchestra plans to raise awareness about public health issues through concert brochures and programmes.
To raise awareness about the importance of diabetes as a global public health problem.
At the same time, WHO's China country Office and other public health agencies in China worked hard to raise awareness inside the country itself.
As Goodwill Ambassador, Ambassador Brinker is expected to raise awareness about cancer as a global public health problem.
Public relations activities raise awareness of the product, its principal features and benefits, as well as where to buy it.
From there I will have a confident 1.0 build and then will try and raise some public awareness of the project, which has been intentionally kept to a minimum thus far.