1 词典释义:
interest group
时间: 2025-03-12 16:39:15


  • I'm a member of school English Interest Group.


  • To join the interest group can help one with his schoolwork.


  • So some interest group would get involved if you made a fuss.


  • Science is a big enough interest group. It can look after itself.


  • It has now come to light that he was financially backed by some interest group.


  • He is the latest member in our school English club(interest group ; hobby group).


  • The first is the temptation to spread the wealth around to every region and interest group.


  • The idea of class associated with power has been challenged by stratum and interest group.


  • In this context, it seems unlikely that the NAS report was manipulated by any interest group.


  • Hepatology Digest: There is now a special interest group at the Liver Meeting that focuses on HCV.


  • The fourth chapter is effect analysis and appraise of mathematics modeling interest group activities.


  • The Semantic Web Education and Outreach ( SWEO) Interest Group came to the end of it's charter end of March.

    语义网教育和拓展兴趣组织(Semantic Web Education and Outreach ,简称 SWEO)在3月底执照到期。

  • This is expected, and duplicate entries are ignored after a special interest group has been assigned to a customer.


  • Members of the XML-SIG (Special Interest Group) do much of the work of maintaining a range of XML tools for Python.

    XML - SIG(专门兴趣组)的成员为维护Python一系列XML工具做了许多工作。

  • The post-type identifier helps Sametime post Service to classify notifications and route them to their respective interest group.

    投递类型标识符帮助Sametime Post Service对通知进行分类,并将它们路由到各自感兴趣的组。

  • We hear much of special interest groups. Well our concern must be for a special interest group that has been too long neglected.


  • The interest group doesn't directly participate in the decision, but it exerts influence on the policy makers through lobbyism .


  • The Visual Inspection Group, an Interest Group of the ECA Foundation, has developed a new document with frequently asked questions.


  • The team presented their work at the Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH) conference in Vancouver.


  • Join a networking group or get involved in community activities or join a special interest group and make an effort to meet new people.


  • The fledgling attorney said he has started looking into opportunities working for a public-interest group that specializes in civil rights.


  • The image of the modern poetry offers vastly space for different social strata and interest group to conceive future style of national country.


  • For example, the interest group on the scope of legal aid had identified issues to be examined to this end, such as appeals to appeal panel housing.


  • This paper selects the interest group theory as the basic theoretical framework and tries to explore the hidden problem behind the high medical expense.


  • The next generation of Bluetooth is almost ready, as the Bluetooth Special Interest Group said it would unveil the full details of Bluetooth 3.0 on April 21.

    蓝牙技术联盟(the Bluetooth SIG)宣布将在4月21日公布蓝牙3.0的全部细节,这意味着下一代蓝牙技术即将面世。