Complex search and replace with sed.
You must replace with the name of your network server.
Are there new thoughts you are willing to replace with the old?
Figure 15 shows the resulting dialog window: Replace with Model References.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every menu item you want to replace with an image.
重复2-4步,为所有的菜单项设置好Menu Image图片。
I was reading about how to be motivated and break bad habits and replace with positive ones.
Fig5. Boss: Delete all these engineers and replace with the management staff above directors!
Select the portion of the string you want to replace with a variable — in this example, the numeral 5.
选择需要用变量替换的字符串部分 — 在本例中为数字 5。
Reduce red meat consumption and replace with poultry, fish and learn cuts of red meat, once a week at most.
You can specify which term of a group of terms is the preferred term, and which terms to replace with other terms.
In the "Replace with Model References" dialog window, select the name attribute that belongs to the item type.
在“Replace with Model References”对话框窗口中,选择属于项目类型的名字属性。
Tip: When you replace, make sure you do not add any trailing Spaces for either the "Find" or "replace With" values.
提示:在替换时,请确保您没有在“Find”或“Replace With”值的结尾处添加任何空白。
Check out the project from CVS if the project already exists in the workspace, then replace with the latest from CVS.
Every instance of com/venetica/vbr/ejb/bridge/omnifind in the build file, replace with the correct package for your connector.
将构建文件中的每处 com/venetica/vbr/ejb/bridge/omnifind 替换为自己连接器的包。
The server would then either return an entire page, or just the section you want to replace with the requested set of data, depending on whether it was called using Ajax or a regular GET request.
然后,服务器将要么返回整个页面,要么只返回您希望使用请求的数据集替换的部分,具体情况取决于使用 Ajax 还是常规 GET 请求调用它。
Firms are using the programme as a backdoor way to replace domestic employees with cheaper labour.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Car buyers tend to replace worn-out tyres with the same brand.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》With luck, it will replace the myriad other duties and surcharges that pluck the fruits of Indian commerce.
You can swap out one system and replace it with another.
It is not a good idea to replace meals with snacks.
You could threaten to replace all their tunes with white noise.
I know people can replace these words with a smile or nod.
Should parents and teachers take away teens' smartphones and replace them with paper books?
He wants to legalize drugs, ban involuntary commitments to mental institutions, and replace state schools with online education.
The classroom projects opportunities for children to replace angry, violent behaviors with cooperative, peaceful ones.
You'll be able to watch the florist arrange the bouquet, change your mind if you want, and replace wilting roses with fresh anemones.
We can replace our concentrations here with, and so if you write equal to zero here, then we can write it as equilibrium right here.
I clean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks.
《牛津词典》I encouraged them to help me replace the "dripping" economic philosophy with an "investment and growth" economic philosophy.