These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime.
《牛津词典》Until now scientists had very little clear evidence about the drug's role in preventing more serious effects of infection.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》The technology for preventing leaks is being installed.
These newly launched measures are aimed at preventing violent crime.
Special attention should be paid to preventing our earth from being polluted.
Roosevelt was used preventing him from restraining strikes by longshoremen and automobile workers.
The government is more focused on preventing new debris from forming than taking the trash out of orbit.
In the winter, ECC can be heated by passing an electric current through it, thereby preventing ice buildup.
在冬天,ECC 可以通过电流加热,从而防止结冰。
The agricultural revolution which actually was beneficial; we altered the climate for the better by preventing an Ice Age.
Rats are often associated with spreading disease rather than preventing it, but this long-tailed animal is highly sensitive.
AMSAT operates on the principle of having all its technical data accessible to its members, preventing the abuse of amateur satellites.
Other reasons, according to the study, include personal fulfillment such as staying mentally fit, preventing boredom or avoiding depression.
He appears to see the many barriers to trade thrown up by his rent-seeking minions as a means of preventing multinationals from taking over.
A laser thunder factory could shake the moisture out of clouds, perhaps preventing the formation of the giant hailstones that threaten crops.
In time it should help restrain costs by eliminating redundant tests, preventing drug interactions, and helping doctors find the best treatments.
They want to make their customers interested in preserving their products and preventing things that still have value from going to the garbage dump.
Coffee also contains trigonelline, an antibacterial compound that not only gives it a wonderful aroma but may be a factor in preventing dental caries.
There is continuing debate as to how effective sunscreen is in reducing melanomas—the evidence is weaker than it is for preventing other types of skin cancer.
"There's no question people can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes, reversing high blood pressure, even preventing cancer by food choices," Nadeau says.
The key to preventing or treating behavior problems is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior to outlets that are acceptable in the domestic setting.
Before his death, he filed a deed protecting the use of his image until 2039, preventing others from recreating him using CGI to appear in a film, TV show or as a hologram.
Scientists have also scrutinised whether it's possible to preserve the ice sheets of Greenland with reinforced high-tension cables, preventing icebergs from moving into the sea.
As the scholar Silvia Federici put it in 1975, the unpaid nature of domestic work reinforces the assumption that "housework is not work, thus preventing women from struggling against it."
Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling behind and maintaining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied, and the latter is often all the teacher can do.
Cuts to local authority budgets since 2010 have resulted in a significant decline of these services, despite strong evidence of their effectiveness in preventing crises further down the line.
Being that she was secretary of labor, Frances Perkins' considerable influence with Franklin D. Roosevelt was used preventing him from restraining strikes by longshoremen and automobile workers.
A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》It was built for preventing the enemies.
We are glad to know that traditional Chinese medicine can work wonders in preventing some diseases.
Tens of millions in Africa and Asia can see because of the commitment Wilson made to preventing the preventable.
prevent from
prevent and control pollution