1 词典释义:
tenure track
时间: 2025-03-02 18:05:52
英 [ˈtɛnjə trak]
美 [ˈtɛnjər træk]

n. 可获终身职位的雇用制;终身职教;终身教职轨道;终身职位轨迹;终身制;常任轨;助理教授

  • Those hired with the understanding they will seek tenure are said to be "on the tenure track."


  • I tried the tenure track, but college students are already too culturally informed, closes their minds.


  • The competition for tenure track faculty positions in universities puts increasing pressure on scholars to put in long hours on research.


  • Those hired with the understanding they will seek tenure are said to be "on the tenure track. " Assistant professor is the first job on this path.


  • But at the next level - tenure-track associate professor - the proportion of females shrinks to single digits.


  • Universities are replacing tenure-track professors with non-tenured staff.


  • The researchers compiled a sample of 149 entry-level, tenure-track hires made during 2005, 2007 and 2009.

    研究人员汇集了2005,2007以及2009三年共149个属于初级、常任轨( tenure-track,通常在聘用为教授时约定了5年左右的评估期,期满评估合格便转为终身教职的聘用形式——译者注)聘用形式的样本。

  • According to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a tenure-track position is one that leads to a permanent professorial appointment and potentially full salary support if grant funding runs out.


  • Maybe you really will be one of those people who gets picked upon a tenure-track position right after graduation without having toendure multiple post-docs.


  • On the eve of graduation, I thought I had done everything right, and that I would be an excellent candidate for a tenure-track job.


  • But if you can see that you're not going to get that tenure-track job, oh well, then you can consider an industry job.


  • In general, a tenure-track faculty member will hold a position for about five years before a formal decision is made on whether tenure will be granted.


  • the probability of having a tenure-track position,and the number of patents.


  • The recipients' institutions must agree to let the young physician-scientists, who are in tenure-track positions, spend at least 70 percent of their time doing research.


  • The three-year awards support individuals who have obtained full-time, tenure-track faculty positions at biomedical research institutions.


  • MF Architecture is led by Matt Fajkus, AIA, who is also a Tenure-Track Professor at the University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture.

    MF事务所由美国建筑师协会的Matt Fajkus领导,他也是德克萨斯大学奥斯丁建筑学院的终身教授。

  • The Economics and Management School of Wuhan University invites applications for tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in Economics and Finance, beginning in Fall 2016.
