But that's not what Hakim wants, as she noted in an academic paper published last year.
Feminists who want women to throw away their femininity are overlooking a powerful asset, Ms Hakim argues.
Ms Hakim suggests that women have more erotic capital than men to start with, mainly because they have had to work at it for centuries.
Ms Hakim suggests that women have more erotic capital than men to start with, mainly because they have had to work at it for centuries.
She serves as the chairman of Hangzhou-based Hakim Information technology, which involved in the development of smart cities technology.
Al - hakim said, "we are all the sons of Iraq, and we should put our hands together to build this country. We are confident that our pain will end."
The incident took place on the edge of Khost, capital of the province of the same name, provincial police chief General Abdul Hakim Eshaqzai told AFP.
"Shock waves are acoustic waves that create pressure that can be focused," says Medispec's Gil Hakim, the company's director of new product development.
Served on handing shares HAKIM, Daikin air-conditioning, JOYOU air-conditioning and other famous enterprises, who handled projects become the industry benchmark.
Memphis rookie Hakim Warrick and defending champion Josh Smith of Atlanta were eliminated in the first round with two-dunk totals of 86 and 81 points, respectively.
In the view of Mr Hakim, Mr Shannon has a "much better sense of what's important to the region". There is even a glimmer of civility between the United States and Cuba.
The Grizzlies had two shots at winning the game, but Kyle Lowry missed a driving layup in the lane and Hakim Warrick was off the mark on a three-pointer as time expired.
灰熊队本来有两次机会赢得比赛,但是Kyle Lowry的带球上篮没有进,瓦里克最后时刻的三分也没进。
Peter Hakim of Inter-American Dialogue, a think-tank in Washington, DC, says that relations between the United States and Latin America have reached their lowest point since the cold war.
美洲国家会谈专家,华盛顿智囊团成员之一Peter Hakim说,美国和拉美国家之间的关系已经降到冷战之后最低点。
As Dr. El-Hakim concluded, "While the community can pride itself on salvaging extremely premature babies, it should heed the fact that solutions for airway insults need to be addressed."