1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-12-13 15:16:19
英 [viː]


  • Ahead was the deep V of a gorge with water pouring down it.


  • It's ought to do the "V" for victory sign.

    应该做胜利的“ V” 字手势。

  • Are you still doing the "V" for victory sign?

    你还在做胜利的 V 字手势吗?

  • In volume V he had attached an appendix, The Scovell Ciphers.


  • It's going to be the same temperature as before but the volume is V plus dV now.


  • Canada geese flying in a V shape can fly seventy percent farther without having a rest than the birds flying alone.


  • Canada geese flying in a V shape can fly seventeen percent farther without having a rest than the birds flying alone.

    与单独飞行的鸟类相比,以 V 形飞行的加拿大鹅在没有休息的情况下可以多飞17%。

  • He had criticized almost every major Supreme Court decision expanding civil rights except Brown v. Board of Education.


  • The state already has a "trigger law" on the books, which would ban most abortions, if the Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade.


  • Churchill got some surprised stares in 1941 when, evidently unaware of the vulgar usage, he gave the palm-backward "V" to British troops.


  • I was v pleased to get your letter.


  • Bend the wire so that it forms a 'V'.


  • Unit V of this book explains those errors in detail and shows you ways to correct them.


  • In it were some old things—a bright blue feather, a tiny V-shape leaf and some dolls.

    里面装的是一些旧东西——一根亮蓝色的羽毛,一片小小的 V 形叶子和一些娃娃。

  • Shenzhou V carried a Chinese astronaut aloft.


  • The V shape allows Canada geese to save energy.

    V 字形可以让加拿大鹅节省能量。

  • For W. V. O. Quine, however, this constitutes an overly "narrow" conception of empiricism.

    然而,对 W.V.O.奎因来说,这构成了一个过于“狭窄”的经验主义概念。

  • Since 1914, scientists have known that birds flying in formation—a V-shape—expend less energy.


  • We have two main cafeterias, the Ratty and the V-Dub, which are on opposite sides, South and North.

    我们有两个主要的食堂,一个叫 Ratty,一个叫 V-Dub,两个食堂在相反的方位,一个在南边,一个在北边。

  • In the case of France, there is the work of a brilliant military engineer called Vauban, v-a-u-b-a-n.

    至于法国,这里有一位杰出的军事工程师的作品,工程师名叫 Vauban,v-a-u-b-a-n。

  • Fisherman Ray Turner hand-built the V-shaped stone overflow dam, in the East Branch of the Delaware River in New York.

    渔民雷·特纳在纽约德拉瓦河的东支流手工建造了这个 V 字形石头溢流堰,或称鱼梁。

  • Men aspire to be able to show off their six packs or their V-shape backs and there's a growing market of slimming pills aimed at men too.

    男性渴望展示自己的六块腹肌或 V 型后背,针对男性的减肥药市场也在不断增长。

  • At one of the bottlenecks, forested hills rise to form a V, leaving a corridor of open ground only about 150 metres wide, filled with private homes.

    在其中一个瓶颈山区,森林覆盖的山丘形成一个 V 形,只剩下150米宽的开放地带,里面全是私人住宅。

  • Disney-Marvel's "Captain America: Civil War" took the second slot, followed by Warner's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, " and Fox's "Deadpool ".


  • The castle, which is located on 11,700 acres, was leased to members of the royal family between 1848 and 1970, including King Edward VII and George V.


  • The castle, which is located on 11, 700 acres, was leased to members of the royal family between 1848 and 1970, including King Edward VII and George V.


  • The volume V is given in terms of the scalar triple product.

    体积 V 以标量三乘积的形式给出。

  • Litwin and V. Martin had always been the writing team for the band.


  • The optimal water contents of enzyme reaction in hexcone was 0.06(W/V)%.


  • The cytolysin gene from V. vulnificus successfully express in the E. coli system.


  • v belt


  • v sign
