Her treatment has neared its end, she is going to lose battle with cancer.
As a sword, the perfect sword, one that would never lose a battle, just as I had never lost a battle.
The enemy must answer this question if it attacks Iran, how long a battle and lose much of its warships and vessels prepared?
The extra weight you can't seem to lose is connected to the sugar cravings you battle.
For Microsoft, this is a battle that it cannot afford to lose.
That we refuse to lose this battle against fear.
"If we lose the battle against tropical deforestation, we lose the battle against climate change," he warns.
Let us give battle. If we lose, we leave them such a mess as will undo them quite.
Five years after the Battle of Endor, Kenobi began to lose his ability to retain his identity in the Force.
Knox's brow furrowed as she thought about this. "But he still went into battle with his brother…even though he knew they would…lose, " she said haltingly.
A cabaret only educates a vigor booming, staff's employee's troops of the never lose a battle, business will be make rapid progress, on first a long distance.
Sight of Frenzy: Once a battle this creature seduce an enemy unit, making it to attack itself with thrice power, and lose next turn.
A brave man, and take on five papers will be in a duel courage; A coward, to the rat eyes inch light the battle will lose our life! ! ! ! ! ! !
It creates a battle between mind and metabolism that we're doomed to lose.
Defend Allied Flag Battle: Player holds out for 20 turns to wins. Normal lose conditions.
Ninja: Losing a battle will not cause the player to lose MEDALS or Card Luck.
If we lose this fight, we've lost the battle.
It is like a warrior. The greatest warrior in history is the one who is calm-if he freaked out, then he would easily lose the battle.
Do not lose your equilibrium dear ones for we are the end of the battle and you should be at ease considering it is almost over.
I told him he was going to have another case of battle fatigue on his hands and lose his last lieutenant if I was left alone in command of the company much longer.
Life is like a battle, anyone may temporarily lose their courage.
Sims battle mummies, and if they lose, become cursed.
We are quite aware of the fear we inspire in others, and it not only gives us a measure of confidence, but also AIDS us in battle when our opponents lose heart.