Put those folios in a stack against the wall, will you?
Review Master Folios to ensure that they are properly checked-in to the computer.
If you're a bibliophile I'll be selling many folios in the next week so keep looking.
Ballerini's revision of it, which appeared in 1740 at Florence, contains four folios.
Folios will be prepared for each attendee and left by their name CARDS on the conference table.
Supplies a link to one or more page images or transcriptions of the specified range of folios .
That’s why we still have Shakespeare Folios and why I can buy a 150 year old book on Alibris for 99 cents.
That's why we still have Shakespeare Folios and why I can buy a 150 year old book on Alibris for 99 cents.
Curator and biology professor Donald Pfister greeted me in a majestic room, filled with glass display cases, folios and portraits.
馆长兼生物学教授唐纳德·费斯特(Donald P fister)在一间满是玻璃展示柜、对开本和肖像的宏伟屋中接待了我。