Moe was having fun banging the drums and singing off-key.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》On June 3, 2020, the Ministry of Education (MOE) gave a revised course for high schools across the country.
The MOE also asks schools to make sure 40 hours of voluntary service during the full three school years.
"You can't deal with climate change without dealing with existing buildings," says Richard Moe, the president of the National Trust.
What MOE voice you are with!
I love you because of your MOE voice.
The board's MOR and MOE rise with the increasement of molding pressure.
An Arctic Larry, Moe, and Curly lounge on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.
Mobage (pronounced yahoo moe-buh-gay) games channel is due for release on October 1st.
Anniversary celebrations were usually held at the Ngwe Moe hotel, a popular hotel in Moulmein.
Moe Greene was a handsome hood who had Made his rep as a Murder Incorporated executioner in Brooklyn.
莫- 格林是个长得很清秀的二流子,早年在纽约市布鲁克林区就是以“谋杀有限公司”刽子手而臭名远扬的。 收藏。
When will man be able to be his own master, singing freely like birds and opening naturally like flowers? Jerry Moe.
Moe, a six-legged Styrofoam sheep was busy roaming and trimming the grounds at the city's conservatory several miles away.
That eto came after a White House moe in 2001 to restrict federally funded research to a limited number of stem-cell lines.
For Nisan, who would probably score an 8 or a 9 on Morinaga's MOE scale, 2-d love is a substitute for real, monogamous romance.
The performance of the minimum output energy (MOE) detector will degrade when it is affected by the noise in the weight vector.
"Like living in a Three Stooges episode," he says, comparing the string of bad news to Moe repeatedly slapping Larry in the face.
A letter arrived from America. Moe is getting A's in everything. Murray is learning to ride the bicycle. The victrola was repaired.
The performance of minimum output energy (MOE) detector will significantly degrade when the weight vector is affected by the noise.
In the early 20th century Eunice Moe Brock's parents came to the eastern Chinese province of Shandong where they gave birth to her.
Unlike the eloquent and clear-voiced Moe, Ask Aak speaks in a very muddy alien language that requires the use of subtitles on screen.
An invisible fence keeps Moe from wandering too far, although he did get out once and trample the flowers when the fence became unplugged.
With the indelible example of danger set by Moe's murder, Aak became an even more vocal champion of the Military Creation Act than Moe was.
Gypsum flakeboard is a gypsum board with reinforcement by wood flake. It has a higher MOR and MOE, good fire resistance and incombustibility.
In 2004, the Ministry of Education (MOE) issued a notice encouraging schools to forbid students from renting apartments outside their campuses.
After consulting with Lakers team internist Dr. John Moe, I feel confident that I can gainfully pursue an NBA season with another long playoff postseason.
And Fanny is sitting there on the settee, just as she was in the oleograph, with Moe on one side of her and little Murray, Murray the genius, on the other.