You'll feel wiggly free and fresh!
I see a wiggly worm.
That apple is crawling with wiggly worms.
These wiggly creatures love food scraps and are always eager to eat.
As a risky landslide, the Manzhai landslide stands at the phase of wiggly deformation presently.
Driving your Ferrari to the Piggly Wiggly and want to avoid shopping-cart dents? Park far, far away.
Please create a bigger bottle with a pump … as we apply this lotion so often, and it would just make it easier with a wiggly little baby.
In the meantime, Von Ahn has figured out a way to take advantage of all the spare brainpower hundreds of millions of people expend deciphering wiggly letters.
同时,Von Ahn想出一种利用数亿空闲脑力识别扭曲字母的方法。
When Clarence Saunders opened his first Piggly Wiggly in 1916, a grocery store was a place where you told the clerk behind the counter what you wanted and he fetched it.
1916年Clarence Saunders的第一家Piggly Wiggly开业,当时,在这样的小杂货店里你需要什么东西就跟柜台后面的售货员说一声,他会帮你拿。
But it's not really the fact that the thing crosses at two places, because the line could be wiggly, the curve could be wiggly, and it could have crossed back and forth a number of times.
The first supermarket, King Piggly Wiggly in Memphis, Tennessee, guided the shoppers of 1916 through a maze of chicken-wire aisles until they had passed every available item and reached the checkout.
世界上的第一所超市,坐落于田纳西州孟菲斯市的King Piggly Wiggly在1916年通过一个迷宫来引导购物者-通过走廊让购物者走过每一个柜台最终到达结账台。