In the depths of the French Guyanese rainforest, there still remain unusual groups of indigenous people.
This raises unique challenges for Arctic wildlife and indigenous people who depend on Arctic ecosystems to survive.
What part do indigenous people such as Inuit play?
This year's meeting will focus on the health of indigenous people.
Indigenous people and single women and girls are prone to exploitation and abuse.
This includes safeguards meant to ensure the fair treatment of indigenous people.
They're driving out of Mexico, Sal and Dean, and they meet indigenous people along the road.
There was only one pesky flaw in Garcia's plan: the indigenous people who live in the Amazon.
Johnston says that indigenous people and Western scientists have a lot to learn from one another.
The vast majority of the indigenous people, the 'Shan', maintain a Buddhist way of life and belief.
In several countries, indigenous people are likely to die well before their non-indigenous 4 peers.
The figures are thought to represent Makassans, indigenous people from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.
在Djulirri遗址发现的一幅人物简笔画上,有人在划船。 这些图画被认为是表现来自印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛的土著Makassans的生活。
The Festival of Light, Diwali to the indigenous people, marks the commencement of the New Year for Hindus.
Brazil's draft national REDD law also states that indigenous people own the forest carbon of their reserves.
Then there is the symbolic Kevin Rudd, who formally apologised to Australia’s indigenous people in early 2008.
接下来谈谈陆克文的共和制象征意义。 在2008年初,陆克文正式向澳大利亚土著居民道歉(注4)。
Although my claim bordered a First Nations (indigenous people) plot, it was identified as mine and marked on the official map.
Indigenous people comprise about a quarter of the Northern Territory's population, compared with 2% in Australia as a whole.
Unless forest-dwelling communities and indigenous people understand the value of a live tiger against a dead one, we’ve lost the battle.
Instead, there is a surprising indifference to the fate of this indigenous people, who also live in northern Norway, Finland and Russia.
Indigenous people are raising their voices and demanding that Arctic nations stop stealing their land and respect their way of life.
Indigenous people who rely on the forests need to have a say in how their homeland is managed but in many countries they are marginalised.
Loggers build roads, allowing farmers and hunters to enter, further crowding the indigenous people and destroying the delicate ecosystem.
Poynton says CIB is seeking certification to an international standard, which requires that they work very closely with indigenous people.
The desolate region was home to indigenous people for millennia, then to the stockmen and adventurers who populate fantasies of the outback.
Despite centuries of coexistence, the First Nations, as Canada's indigenous people call themselves, and other Canadians still live in mutual incomprehension.