近12年出现 1 次
n 战略家
n. 战略家
strategicadj. 战略的;战略性的;策略上的;(为战略目的或实现长远目标而)精心设计的
strategistn. 战略家;策略家;军事谋略家;战略规划者;善于筹划部署的人
strategicallyadv. 战略上;战略性地
On June 1st, Bob Stith, a former pastor from Texas, became the SBC's first national strategist for Gender Issues.
6月1日,来自德克萨斯的前牧师鲍勃·斯蒂斯成为了 SBC 的首位性别问题国家战略顾问。
Our psyche is a clever strategist.
Eileen Lento, education strategist, Intel.
"The Mind of the Strategist", McGraw-Hill, 1982.
Karl Rove, Mr Bush's strategist, is a "villain."
Captured in 2005: Abu Musab al Suri, the strategist.
Since 1945, no Western strategist has ever disagreed.
Social strategist Julia Roy is a symbol of the next generation.
社会战略家Julia Roy代表了下一代人。
Sometimes the best place for a gifted behind-the-scenes strategist is behind the scenes.
Coxe has studied the sector for more than 35 years as a strategist for BMO Financial Group.
Q: How did David Axelrod, Mr. Obama's chief strategist, respond to your initial presentation?
'Chile is to copper what the Middle East is to oil,' says ANZ senior commodity strategist Mark Pervan.
澳新银行(ANZ)高级大宗商品策略师珀尔文(Mark Pervan)表示,智利之于铜相当于中东之于石油。
And one in Arkansas was pushed aside to make room for a chum of Karl Rove, George Bush's top strategist.
"Your job seems too easy," I recently told a senior strategist at one of the largest Indian conglomerates.
And we needed a tighter coupling of devices and services, ” explains Mary McDowell, Nokia’s chief strategist.
并且我们需要设备与服务的融合。” 诺基亚首席战略官Mary McDowell表示。
On June 1st Bob Stith, aformer pastor from Texas,became the SBC's first National Strategist for Gender Issues.
6月1日,Bob Stith,这位来自德克萨斯的前牧师,成为了SBC的首位性别问题国家战略顾问。
Users “don’t care about the technology anymore, ” says Jim McGregor, chief technology strategist at researcher In-Stat.
用户“不再关心技术”,研究机构In-Stat的首席技术战略家,Jim McGregor称。
The veteran market strategist was one of the most bearish analysts at the start of 2008, and he has remained cautious.
For example, you may have been cruising along in a marketing position that tapped your abilities as a writer and strategist.
Mike Edwards is a strategist working on emerging technologies in the area of SOA, particularly Service Component Architecture.
Mike Edwards是SOA领域的新兴技术(特别是服务组件体系结构)战略家。
In 1967, the nuclear strategist Herman kahn-one of the inspirations for Dr. Strangelove-coedited a volume called the Year 2000.
Steve Hilton, the party's influential strategist, champions this agenda and several shadow cabinet members are also enthusiasts.
该党颇具影响力的军师Steve Hilton是这一议程的坚定支持者,还包括数位影子内阁成员。
Three years on, its experience provides three lessons for regulators in other countries, says Peter Phillips, an Ofcom strategist.
John Weaver, a Republican strategist who is urging Mr. Huntsman to run, said his experience in China only enhanced his credentials.
近12年出现 1 次
n 战略家
n. 战略家
strategicadj. 战略的;战略性的;策略上的;(为战略目的或实现长远目标而)精心设计的
strategistn. 战略家;策略家;军事谋略家;战略规划者;善于筹划部署的人
strategicallyadv. 战略上;战略性地
近18年出现 1 次
n 战略家
n. 战略家
strategicadj. 战略的;战略性的;策略上的;(为战略目的或实现长远目标而)精心设计的
strategistn. 战略家;策略家;军事谋略家;战略规划者;善于筹划部署的人
strategicallyadv. 战略上;战略性地