Elliptical horn with twin "EED" high freq.
In addition, we were analyzing for the experiment of freq...
A simple multimedia application procedure, may simulate the audio freq...
High-freq impedance, good effect on suppresses the high freq interference.
By varying VR1 you can set how fast the siren changes from high freq. to low Fred.
通过改变VR 1你可以设置多快从高频率警报的变化。低频率。
It is discovered that there are compensation relations for flowing activation energy and freq...
Small size multilayer chip inductor for high frequency high Q, stable inductance in high freq. range.
Possibility added to Watch the change in current-distribution (using the arrow keys) after running a freq-sweep.
Networks, device for pre-emphasis of higher frequencies. Right-click for de-emphasis of higher freq., compressor, or expander.
And, if you'd like to add a ReiserFS filesystem to your /etc/fstab file, simply set the "freq" and "passno" fields to "0", as follows
而且,如果您想在自己的 /etc/fstab 文件中添加一个 ReiserFS 文件系统,只需将“freq”和“passno”字段设置为“0”,如下所示
It has been shown that many biomedical signal problems may benefit from time frequency analysis. The basic method of time freq...
High Mid and low Mid dials (blue) are each paired with a freq control (lighter blue) that allows you to select the frequency boosted or cut.
Of course it will also effect the freq. 's, and the reflected sound we'll be different then before it hit the surface, although some material have less of a impact on the sound.
Controls the granularity for hue, saturation, and value noise. The range is 0 to 1. The default is 0.5. (for each non-zero Freq value, additional calculations may slow down rendering.)