I guess school can be pretty traumatizing for some of us.
What matters is whether that adversity becomes traumatizing.
One time a guy had a hole in his pocket, and that was rather traumatizing for me.
Liz: Perhaps Garfield's amnesia could be cured by lightly traumatizing his cranium.
I guess school can be pretty traumatizing for some of us. It could be showing up late to your exam, not finding the classroom or being unprepared.
“Losing connections during that period of your life becomes very traumatizing, ” he said. “One way to deal with that is to prove that you don’t need anyone.”
Treatment can be tricky. Since the patient cannot explain what is wrong, veterinarians and handlers must make educated guesses about the traumatizing events.
Parents should at least try and agree on a children's visit schedule or with whom children will stay, to make things less complicated and less traumatizing-if possible-for the little ones.