1 词典释义:
spring into action
时间: 2025-03-01 21:08:45


  • Some parents will spring into action, taking charge and telling you what to do.


  • Trucks and cranes spring into action as a 900-foot container ship docks at the Port of Oakland.


  • But in the case of this father, the sight of rubble and ruin only made him spring into action.


  • US Tzu Chi volunteers are always ready to spring into action when disaster strikes, even in other countries.


  • Maybe this is a looming doomsday for our earth. Let's spring into action and save our earth, or save ourselves.


  • The image of coiling, like a spring, conveys the sense of untapped potential energy that will spring into action soon.

    盘绕的图像,像一根弹簧,传递未打开的潜能感觉,潜能立刻以弹簧起 作用。

  • 3: the Asset: Agent Coulson and the S. H. I. E. L. d. team spring into action after a brilliant scientist is kidnapped.


  • From one week to the next we might be able to spring into action, so keep positive and know that we come to release you all from your prison planet.


  • Helping matters is a rising pattern of dramatic and destructive weather across the country, which means big business for franchisors and franchisees prepared to spring into action.


  • With the same GPS tracking system and emergency call buttons the riders can alert our expert emergency medical truck with world class expedition medics, who will spring into action.


  • Intimately involved in the fight or flight response, the psoas can curl you into a protective fetal ball or flex you to prepare the powerful back and leg muscles to spring into action.


  • Since there is no chain of command, the particular action of any single spring diffuses into the whole, making it easier for the sum of the whole to overwhelm the parts of the whole.


  • When we were backing home, we went into action in no time. Some time later, we finished. I will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now.


  • We prepared to plant them in the yard. when we were back home, we went into action in no time. some time later, we finished. I will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now.
