The application of accelerator NS instead of NOBS in the tread and carcass ply compounds of bias ply tire was investigated.
Abstract: the application of accelerator ns instead of NOBS in the tread and carcass ply compounds of bias ply tire was investigated.
There are three purity measuring methods of vulcanizing accelerator NOBS: potentiometric titration, indicator titration and liquid chromatography.
The application of environment-friendly accelerator XT-580 in replacing accelerator NOBS by equal weight in the tread and sidewall compound of truck tire was investigated.
研究环保型促进剂xt - 580等量替代促进剂nobs在载重轮胎胎面胶和胎侧胶中的应用效果。
It is a product having broad development prospect due to no generating of toxic nitrosamine. There is a trend that NS will become a substitute for accelerator NOBS, DIBS, DZ.