The CIR blending DFS algorithm is introduced.
Multi-engine Command Instrument Rating (CIR).
I hate that word. The sound 'cir...' makes me shudder.
The regime-switching model about interest rate extends Vasicek and CIR models.
The result shows that the effect of top blowing oxygen jet on the mixing time and cir…
The method of CIR based on multi-sensor data fusion technique is feasible and more reliable.
This paper deals with the optimal management of the pension fund with guarantee under CIR model.
Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of conditioned immune response (CIR) on bronchial asthma in mice.
This paper report the quantitative analysis method of the compound aqueous solution by using the CIR technique.
Night VFR and command instrument ratings (CIR) require you to prove your ability to navigate by instruments only.
To overcome the leakage of CIR, the frequency guard bands are reduced by using the polynomial cancellation coding(PCC) training symbols.
Objective To know the sensity of H1 and H2 receptors on hepatic tissues of cir-rhotic rats and cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension.
This has proved that in SLM-CIR model, the technology of the word segmentation is not a key factor of influencing the performance of models.
这就说明了在SLM - CIR模型中,分词技术不是影响模型性能的关键因素。
But CIR is a method which is adapted to GPS carrier system, whether can it be efficient used in Beidou carrier system still need demonstration.
The experimental result shows that the performance of simple SLM-CIR model should be superior to simple vector space models and probability models.
Some critical parameters were studied and discussed for the requirements of the technology and system design of ohmic heating ; The applied scope, cir…
To investigate the protective effects of flavone mixture of crataegus leaves (FMCL) on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion (CIR) injury in rats and its mechanism.
Objective: To explore the relation between vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and esophageal motility and cir-rhotic patients with esophageal varices bleeding (EVB).
It is indicated that if the shoulder height of the stepped cross section piston ring is properly selected, its bearing capacity may be greater than that of the cir...
It depends upon the sampling methods and the size of the disease rate whether exposure odds ratio (EOR) in case-control studies can be used to estimate the CIR or IDR.
The changes in material cir-cumstances were enormous, and easy to recognize. But I wanted to understand the deeper changes - in people's thinking, attitudes, lifestyles.
Based on the detailed analysis of the channel impulse response (CIR) leakage in the practical OFDM systems, a sub-optimal time domain channel estimation algorithm is proposed.
The Centre for investigative Reporting (CIR), based in Berkeley, California, was founded in 1977 and describes itself as "the nation's oldest non-profit investigative news organisation".
If your thoughts are confined only to your business, only to your physical welfare, only to the narrow circle of the town in which you live, then you live in a narrow cir-conscribed life.
Based on the analysis of frequency response of DFT filter bank, the cause of ICI in OFDM systems in analyzed. A mathematic model is setup in frequency domain, and the CIR formula is obtained.
根据DF T滤波器组的频域响应,分析了OFDM系统ici产生的原因,在此基础上建立了ICI的频域上的数学模型,得到CIR公式。
Where your thoughts are confined only to your business, only to your physical welfare , only to the narrow circle of the town in which you live , then you live in a narrow cir — conscribed life .