At this stage, James' footwork is much more rudimentary.
So, working around the clock over a weekend, they built another version, with a more rudimentary algorithm.
There are very few Bridges, for example, that were destroyed, but tens of thousands of more rudimentary houses, restaurants and shops have simply collapsed.
More specifically, static analysis is able to look for coding generally concerned with coding style to identify rudimentary bugs.
The snooze button alone gains me (according to my rudimentary math skills) roughly 106 more hours of sleep per year, which is great.
每天赖床的时间加起来(用我退化得差不多的计算水平算了下),一年大概多睡了106个小时,多得有点难以想象了 。
This is a rudimentary form of dependency injection, as more fully expressed in frameworks like Spring.
Using this rudimentary card counter as a starting point, you can build something much more robust.
These steps might seem like a lot of work for a simple table with rudimentary formatting, but in the next article in this series, you will see how the reports provide much more flexibility.
Rudimentary mathematics suggests that when it comes to luggage and emissions, less is more.
He made other rudimentary observations more suited in his mind to the procedure of a local gendarme.
Still, just as a rudimentary knowledge of an instrument increases your appreciation for music knowing how to program can make you more effective computer user.
If you want to land a sales job, you should have a rudimentary knowledge about sales and be able to articulate a philosophy of selling, and it has to be more than, "I'm a people person."
As he puts it, "what the professionals can do in terms of engineering an organism is really rudimentary. It's really a tinkering art more than a predictable engineering system."