1 词典释义:
be a snap
时间: 2025-01-24 13:48:13
英 [biː eɪ snæp]
美 [bi eɪ snæp]


  • I know that school used to be a snap for you.


  • That means they're very, very long relative to their girth, so a 22, 000-mile (35, 400 km) cable should be a snap, right? Well, no.


  • Women are naturally considered more trustworthy, so obtaining a list of contacts to start the relationship-building process will be a snap.


  • The safety-first attitude of clubs in postponing matches, despite playable pitches, appears to be undermining the point of undersoil heating, but caution in the face of a cold snap is understandable.


  • Never be satisfied with your first view of a place or the first frame you snap.


  • You should be able to do acute and chronic administration either via injection or via the drinking fluid, mice and rats LOVE them some sweetened milk and they'd slurp up milky coffee in a snap.


  • What might be nice is to have an application that can snap individual pictures and automatically upload them to a remote site.


  • An example would be to listen to a thunderstorm and snap your fingers simultaneously.


  • Personalized photo collages are a snap to make, and pictures can be labeled with text right on the image.


  • One might be to arrange for a straw man to win the election and then step down, paving the way for Mr Putin to return triumphantly in a snap election.


  • You can now press the Volume Up button to snap a picture; it falls exactly where a real camera's shutter button would be.


  • He must have weighed a good 130 pounds, and he was strong enough to snap with one hand a branch so tough that a man would be hard put to break it with two.


  • There will certainly be more deals inspired by a need to snap up patents for offensive and defensive purposes.


  • If Mr Kan cannot manage this, it would be better to call a snap general election.


  • Limit the slide of the car, and then you must be very gentle with the throttle and brakes to prevent the vehicle from going into a "snap" or violent spin.


  • So, as per the larger picture in the above image plate, they developed a snap-on lid that could be removed and snapped onto the back of the unit, with two rubber protrusions on the top.


  • Additional details on the DB2 database system monitor can be found in the following articles: " Performance Monitoring, Part 1: It's a Snap(shot)" and " Performance Monitoring, Part 2."

    有关 DB2 数据库系统监视的更多详细信息可以在以下文章中找到:“ Performance Monitoring, Part 1:It's a Snap(shot)”和“ Performance Monitoring, Part 2”。

  • "To snap at someone" is to speak rudely, but snap can also be used as a noun. If we say something is a "snap" that means it's very easy and can be learned quickly.

    Li Hua: 噢,我懂了,snap用作动词的时候,意思就是对人很凶,不过你刚才说的snap是用做名词,要是我们说something is a snap, 意思就是很容易就能学会的事,哎,那不就是我们中文里所说的“小菜一碟”吗?

  • Sign up is a snap (you can actually begin Posting to your tumble blog before creating an account), and like Tumblr, Soup blogs can be mapped to an outside domain.


  • This is the basic loop with a roll (usually a snap roll) at the top of the loop. The roll has to be centered at the top of the loop.


  • As you depart China, expect to be treated like a superhero as the media and spectators snap away, video, cheer and applaud as you walk down to your racing yacht.


  • Placement should also be done on a placement snap grid so that the edges of the cells are also on the grid.


  • Movie posters can be visually stunning, a snap-shot of the movie in one image equally as attractive as any work of art.


  • Laid-back Laos is a snap, he says, but re-entering China from Vietnam can be a hassle.


  • The calendar says it's spring, but there could just as easily be a winter blizzard, a summer swelter, or an autumn cold snap on the other side of that glass pane.


  • "Let me remind your lordship, " said the Dog, his words interrupted now and then as he dodged a snap of the Wolf's teeth, "how unpleasant it would be to eat me now.


  • We may snap at people, causing them to be a little more rude and a little less understanding with us.


  • The idea seems simple, just pose and snap a photo of yourself with your cell phone camera. How difficult could that be?
