Who do you think the admission officer will choose?
An admission officer admitted only one between two students.
At 1:15, I had an interview with an Admission Officer in his office.
This gives your admission officer a positive impression of you before you meet.
Warmly greeted everyone, the Admission Officer started to tell us the different aspects of Columbia.
The tour ended at the same building as we started, and I asked a few questions about majors and the admission process to the Admission Officer.
Before the interview, I was quite nervous because it was the first one I hadfor college, yet I became more relaxed after meeting the Admission Officer, whowas very friendly and easygoing.
在面试之前,我非常紧张,因为这是第一个我面试的大学。 等见到面试官,我开始变得放松,因为面试官非常的友好容易沟通。