1 词典释义:
body count
时间: 2025-02-24 13:23:41


  • It turned out yet another grim body count.


  • Another 3,771 dead US and allied soldiers complete the body count.


  • Another 3, 771 dead US and allied soldiers complete the body count.


  • He took a quick body count. Eleven down in the formation approaching his position.


  • As the body count rises, the group must put their differences aside and fight for survival.


  • As the body count rises, the group must put their differences aside and fight for survival.


  • Yet Iraq Body Count monitors identified more than 1, 200 civilians who died during the fighting.


  • Yet Iraq Body Count monitors identified more than 1,200 civilians who died during the fighting.


  • Take on a true test of your skill and face the mighty challenge of the all-new Body Count mode.


  • The lone dissenter was the NZD/USD which saw fresh 0.7435 lows as the body count from yesterday's earthquake grew.


  • Mr Cook cautions that the body count would have to rise very sharply indeed to affect the mid-term congressional elections next year.


  • As the body count rises around him and his family questions his sanity, hell have to fight back against a deadly force that knows no bounds.


  • As the body count rises around him and his family questions his sanity, he'll have to fight back against a deadly force that knows no bounds.


  • According to the paper’s own “executionometer”, a daily body count of victims of organised crime, violence is falling in some of the most dangerous states.


  • Many Iraqis feel the same way, but the body count from Shiites and Sunnis killing each other tells a different story. Families on both sides have been devastated.

    许多伊拉克人同样是这样认为,但从两个派别互相残杀的人数上看,却不是说的那样。 两个宗派的家庭都被摧毁。

  • The ministry runs the high-speed rail line that suffered a crash on July 23rd that killed dozens, if not hundreds, of passengers (the body count is still unclear).

    铁道部治下的高速铁路正被七月二十三号的列车相撞事故推到风口浪尖。 如果没有上百名人的遇难,那么伤亡乘客人数就是数十人(死亡人数至今仍然不确定)。

  • Scream 4 offers little more than a group of familiar characters wandering around a horror movie setting and uttering self-referential one-liners as the body count mounts.


  • The leak does, however, provide another source of data on civilian casualties in Iraq (until now, most newspapers have relied on Iraq Body Count which tends to give higher numbers).


  • That sleight of hand seems ingenious. You can let your body think it's getting the sweets and fats it craves while keeping the calorie count to a minimum.


  • Okay, caffeine doesn’t really count as a dietary supplement…but so many of us consume it daily in such large quantities that it is worth discussing its effects the body.


  • This camp believes that the body needs roughly two liters of water a day to replace what it loses and that other beverages, particularly caffeinated ones, don't count.


  • Don't count on your clothes to keep the sun's radiation off your body.


  • Loyalist paramilitaries, still armed to the teeth, may seek to even up the body-count. Trust between old antagonists, on which power-sharing rests, is fragile.


  • The greater proportion of body fat a man had, the higher his white blood cell count was.


  • No container element groups any headers with the content for which they serve as titles, unless you count the body element that wraps the h1 header and the rest of the Web page's displayable content.

    容器元素不会把任何作为标题的题头与其内容组合在一起,除非让body元素把h 1 header题头与Web页面其余可显示的内容封装在一起。

  • I'm also the Student Body Vice President for Finance, and even though none of you first years voted for me, I hope that I can count on your support in the upcoming year.


  • There is growing evidence that the strength of a person's immune system is affected by his mental state, too: a healthy mind really does count, especially in an unhealthy body.


  • And don't say that the Meng wife is there how to count, this place peony and snow Niang and that short fat male Ci turn over a body since departure altitude nag, slowly go toward a Fang park but go.
