1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-12 02:02:51


  • Step 1: Get your CUST partition.


  • Find the CUST table in the list of tables.


  • Create a copy of CUST table in the test database.


  • You can follow the same steps to set up the "CUST" stage.

    可以遵循相同的步骤设置 “CUST” stage。

  • Assume that entity bean Cust-A is related to Sales-A.

    假设实体bean Cust - a与Sales - a相关。

  • Right-click the CUST table, and click Load, as shown in Figure 8.


  • To restore the old theme, send your backup of your default CUST.


  • To copy the CUST table from GSDB to GSDBDEV, perform the following steps.


  • This editor contains the CUST table that was pasted into the CHANGES schema.

    这个编辑器包含粘贴到 CHANGES 模式的 CUST 表。

  • Let's now modify the CUST table by adding an additional column MOBILEPHONE.


  • Assume further that Sales-A is deleted and Cust-A is assigned a new Sales-B.

    进一步假设Sales - a被删除,而Cust - a分配得到一个新的Sales - B。

  • To add the MOBILEPHONE column to the CUST table, perform the following steps.


  • Cust: I think the latter one should fit it. So how about the fixed deposit annual interest rate?


  • In this case, he will locate the changes made to the CUST table and merge them into the production database.


  • From the data Source explorer, drill down to the CUST table in the GOSALESCT schema in the GSDBNEW database.


  • XML ATTRIBUTE: In this XML example -- <cust id="725"> -- there is an XML attribute called "id" which has a value of "725".

    XML 属性(XML ATTRIBUTE):例如,在 XML 示例 中,有一个称为 “id” 的属性,它的值为 “725”。

  • In the name field, specify the data source name that the user will see in Cognos. (This example USES the name "ODM Cust Test".)

    在Name字段中,指定用户将在Cognos中看到的数据源名称(这个例子使用“ODM Cust Test”)。

  • For example, if Roslyn is interested in her subset containing data for 1000 customers, she would select cust as the start table.


  • The input data received by the aggregator should have the same structure as the output link, which is defined by the "CUST" stage.

    聚合器接收的输入数据应该与输出链接具有相同的结构,这种结构由 “CUST” stage 定义。

  • She selects Cust as the start table, and she provides c: \ temp \ GSDB_CustInfo.txt for the local location to which the export file will be saved.

    她选择Cust作为开始表,并使用c: \ temp \ GSDB_CustInfo . txt作为保存导出文件的位置。

  • This article introduces a knitting skill — no-knitting, which could be used to part-substitute our normal method of cust off in shapped knitting.


  • If Cust-A has an integrity constraint instructing that it must have a sales person, then Cust-A must first be updated to the new Sales-B before Sales-A is deleted.

    如果Cust - a有一个完整性约束来指明它必须拥有一个销售人员,则Cust - a必须先更新到新的Sales - B,然后才能删除Sales - a。

  • Once the changes are deployed, you can view your newly deployed changes in the Administration Explorer Explorer by looking at the columm properties of the CUST table.

    在修改部署之后,您就可以通过浏览 CUST 表的字段属性在 Administration Explorer Explorer 中查看最新部署的修改。

  • Because the XML input stage will generate multiple rows for the same customer, an aggregator stage is needed to consolidate redundant information of customer for the "cust" stage.


  • The velocities over the spillway buckets of three roughness surfaces and two radius are measured by LDV in the National Key Laboratory of the Hydraulics for the High-velocity of CUST.
