And the only effective defense is to remain Krishna consciousness always.
Strong and effective defense Daolian system, in which the film more security!
Perhaps the most effective defense, however, is for computer users to demonstrate some cyber street-smarts.
While HAART is really effective in keeping down active replication, minocycline is another arm of defense against the virus.
Effective online reputation management is more than just playing defense -it's all about proactively building a positive buzz.
"In my defense, if I am able to show people that this is how some people think and it's wrong, I think it's a pretty effective way of doing that," she said.
Cost-effective and efficient processes are particularly important for the Department of Defense, which accounts for approximately 70 percent of all Federal procurement spending.
Effective online reputation management is more than just playing defense - it's all about proactively building a positive buzz.
Choose the right weapon type and position to make sure your defense is effective.
We can also set up a really effective system of defense in space to protect our country from foreign attack.
Show some ability to use tactical proficiency and rationality, encountered opponents pressing defense, able to do well in control of the game, select effective offensive tactics.
Castling can be a very effective strategy in the defense of your king and providing a safe-haven for him.
Still, this defense can be effective if our players are willing to rotate quickly to recover and contest the long range jumper.
Cambridge scientists have discovered a new 7 immune defense mechanism that could lead to the first effective treatment for the common cold.
So it needs more effective security defense mechanisms.
Effective protection from blended threats requires a comprehensive security solution that contains multiple layers of defense and response mechanisms.
Over blasting vibration may cause various failure, and effective prediction to blasting vibration is the precondition for optimizing blasting plan and taking defense measurement.
Finally the implementation approach has been applied to the development of the multi-weapons aerial defense system successfully and is proved to be effective.
This article describes the tactical missile defense as an important task of the modern air defense and a tactical air defense laser weapon as an effective weapon.
TASER technology provides an effective use-of-force alternative without the lethal dangers of other weapons or self-defense devices.
A stranded beluga 's sole defense is being white, looking like snow? Covered ice and keeping perfectly still? Hardly an effective strategy in this case.
被困白鲸惟一的防御手段就是它的白色,看起来像是覆盖著雪的冰,而且还得保持纹丝不动? ?这种办法在此情况下几乎毫无效用。