1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-12-25 20:24:11


  • Is Lang Gei the joy, my air seasoning has been lonely.


  • Gei tried a few different businesses but could not make them work, so he camehome to the island.


  • To solve this problem, and also based on the fact that gait energy image(GEI) is effective for feature representation, an.


  • Methods Mortality and geriacomia effect index (GEI) are used in this paper to analysis the date of causes of death in 1987~1997.

    方法 应用死亡率、老年保健效益指数(GEI) 等指标分析了1987 ~1997 年厦门市死因资料。

  • Pheasant - tailed jacana and painted snipe found at mai Po, work to improve water quality in the waterfowl collection, earth moving works at gei wai 16 17,..

    水雉及彩鹬在米埔保护区出现改善水禽饲养池水质的工程基围16 17的推土工程。

  • Pheasant - tailed jacana and painted snipe found at mai Po, work to improve water quality in the waterfowl collection, earth moving works at gei wai 16 17,...

    水雉及彩鹬在米埔保护区出现改善水禽饲养池水质的工程基围16 17的推土工程。

  • The top priority site is the area along the outlets of the Sham Chun River (Shenzhen River), water channels surrounding Mai Po Nature Reserve and gei wai, and the foreshore open mudflats of Mai Po.
