Their minds are free from worldliness.
Of your two wives, Dispassion and Worldliness.
And when one renounces the world one is caught in worldliness.
Temptation is a sign that Satan hates you, not a sign of weakness or worldliness.
Their companions are immersed in gross worldliness and don't enjoy spiritual talk at all.
He was the embodiment of the Master's ideal of life in the world, unstained by worldliness.
Once their public articles meant little for the worldliness, they would be happy to write novels.
Then, in her 20s, she set about acquiring the tragic worldliness that the timbre of her voice conveyed.
We create a society essentially based on sensate value, on worldliness, which necessitates the foxhole.
Those in bondage are sunk in worldliness and forgetful of God. Not even by mistake do they think of God.
And it is that conflict, as it were, between what we might call worldliness and innocence that is the core of Machiavelli's moral code.
You must pay it voluntarily and happily and the price is the freedom from lust and ill will, worldliness and ignorance, prejudice and hate.
Perhaps this is the "other worldliness" it, do not want to for some trivial things in life to worry about, I chose out of sight of the net.
This life, he declared, had very little to offer him, for he had seen through all the illusions of worldliness and had forsaken worldly ways.
That's why I can't let almost anything go from myself. Not to mention family, friendship, love, and also gain and loss, fame and worldliness.
It is still worldliness when you seek achievement, whether it be fame or the achievement of what one may call the ideal, or God, or what you will.
When the mind is immersed in worldliness it dwells in the three lower planes - at the naval, the organ of generation, and the organ of evacuation.
It is the accepted tradition of the culture that is essentially worldly, and withdrawing into a mountain far from man does not absolve this worldliness.
Yet, for all the worldliness that comes with her Hollywood experience, Watson said that growing up in a bubble of celebrity has left her feeling like a child when it comes to many things.
It is worldliness when you give up the world and are inwardly part of that world of envy, greed, fear, of accepting authority and the division between the one who knows and the one who doesn't know.
Speaking without notes, the Pope said little in his homily to review his vision for the future of the church beyond urging his fellow cardinals to shun worldliness and be more focused on the Gospels.