1 词典释义:
declining rates
时间: 2025-01-23 20:28:14
英 [dɪ'klaɪnɪŋ reɪts]
美 [dɪ'klaɪnɪŋ rets]


  • Fewer containers, declining rates and piracy along list of problems for an industry trying to navigate through some very rough waters.


  • Results According to our test results, the declining rates of the titers of RongSheng hepatitis B immunoglobulin and human tetanus immunoglobulin were 2 3% and 3.8% respectively.

    结果推测蓉生乙肝免疫球蛋白及蓉生破伤风免疫球蛋白在效期内的效价下降率分别为2 .3 %和3 .8%。

  • Interest rates generally have been declining since last spring, despite a few upward blips in recent weeks.


  • Patrick Belser, an International Labor Organization specialist, says declining wage rates are linked to the levels of unemployment.


  • It's also a potential economic problem, since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates.


  • Despite a huge upsurge in cellphone use over the past two decades, brain cancer rates in the United States have been declining.


  • It is true that marriage is a declining institution. Marriage rates are at their lowest since 1895.


  • Declining college acceptance rates are both good and bad news.


  • Wind turbine rates have dropped to 7 cents from 10 cents over the last couple of years because of fierce competition and declining turbine costs.


  • This is because of premium rates stagnating or declining in many areas, while the supply of insurance and reinsurance remains high.


  • Strong labor demand, positive wage growth and declining mortgage rates are positive trends supportive of the residential property market going forward.


  • Although the Danish shipping line transported more containers, this was not enough to offset the impact from declining freight rates caused by an excess of capacity.


  • Acceptance rates at selective colleges have been declining for decades.


  • Declining mobility has in fact long been a feature of the post-war American economy, thanks to the ageing of its workforce and rising rates of home ownership.


  • Not surprisingly, our attrition rates, though declining steadily, are higher than those at the highest-ranked schools.

    我们的辍学率尽管逐年降低,但还是比一切排名靠前的学校高。 这一点都不奇怪。

  • But while demand for grains is increasing, growth rates for yields of major grains are declining-from around 3 percent in 1980 to 1 percent today.


  • Reaping the "demographic dividends" seen in declining dependency rates and slowing population growth.


  • In response to the subprime crisis that we are now in, our central bank, the Federal Reserve, has been cutting interest rates aggressively to try to save the economy that appears to be declining.


  • The Pew Research Centre notes in a recent report that enrolment rates have been rising and participation rates declining for decades now.

    佩尤研究中心(The Pew Research Centre)⑴最近的报告中指出,,入学率一直在上升,而数十年以来参与率却在下降。

  • Production rates are declining at oil fields and demand continues to rise and oil companies are facing "dwindling opportunities to increase reserves and production."


  • Teen pregnancy rates are declining in every ward, she said, though more slowly in wards 7 and 8, which have the city's lowest income levels.


  • But Kroehnert says that in the case of declining birth rates, it will be difficult to make up for them simply by adjusting policy.


  • The mortality rates have been declining, this in part due to earlier screenings, awareness of symptoms, removing polyps and improved treatments through advances in research discoveries.


  • Zuo pointed to other Asian countries, including Japan, Korea and Singapore, where fertility rates have been steadily declining, and said he believes that China is heading in that direction as well.


  • The long-term trend of declining crime rates continued over the past eight years, although a number of large cities have seen a recent uptick in their murder rates.
