In order to weaken those barriers towards MNP, GATS bring MNP into its scope.
No less favourable treatment in MFN of GATS include formal and actual treatments.
The GATS emergence is a challenge towards joining the WTO behind of China is doubtless again.
Putting forward the realistic attitude to reasonably use the defects of GATS on the ground of China.
Firstly, the writer reviews the birth of the rule for ESM in GATS and the process of negotiation on ESM up to now.
As far as the writer knows, till now, few scholars have studied the general exception clauses of GATS specifically.
On this basis, the thesis analyzes the specific rules, objects and purposes of the general exception clauses of GATS.
Natural person movement is one of the four modes under GATS, and it is closely connected with the third service form under GATS.
GATS, taking effect after the Uruguay Round, has bring legal services, together with other service sectors, into the track of liberalization.
Although the amount of practical cases is less, the arbitration under the SCM and the GATS is a indispensability part of the WTO arbitration.
The paper discusses the influences of the trend of digitization and globalization to library copyright balance, according to analyzing GATS and TRIPS protocol.
It's still not clear whether or not the GATS framework covers the involvement of foreign employees in host country firms to supply services as the movement of natural persons.
This article, therefore, after briefly reviewing the history of Uruguay Round negotiations on MONP, elaborates on legal boundary of MONP under the GATS framework and its defections.
Firstly, from the point of the meaning and feature of specific commitments in GATS, the article illustrates that as a selective obligation, specific commitments is on the core of GATS.
GATS and its annex set out prudential carve-out. However, the abstraction of the clause, together with its priority in application, undermines the achievement of financial liberalization.
Since United States-Gambling-Betting case caused the application and explanation of GATS 'basic structure and several main provisions first, it undoubtedly become the true first case of GATS.
Through analysis from legislation and Judicature, the author tries to examine the basis that the reports of DSB on Article 20 of GATT could be used to interpret the general exception clause of GATS.