1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-01 20:44:35
英 [ruː]


  • What is the future road map of ROO project in terms of new features?

    在新特性方面,ROO 项目的未来路线图是什么?

  • If you elect to later on provide some part of some of those components yourself, Roo again detects this and removes its automatically-provided portions.

    如果您选择稍后自己提供这些组件的一部分,Roo 再次检测到这一点并删除其自动提供的部分。

  • Set up the environment variable ROO-DEV in your system settings, which should point to the bootstrap folder within the Roo project.

    在您的系统设置中建立环境变量 ROO-DEV,该变量应指向 Roo 项目中的引导文件夹。

  • What are the recommended best practices for Java developers who are interested in using ROO framework as part of their software development process?

    对于有兴趣将 ROO 框架作为其软件开发过程中的一部分的 Java 开发人员,有哪些推荐的最佳实践?

  • Building Spring Roo from source.

    从源代码构建Spring roo。

  • Spring Roo add-on create command

    Spring Roo 附加组件 创建命令

  • To help Spring Roo easily add new features.

    帮助Spring Roo轻松添加新功能。

  • Spring Roo is split into two logical parts.

    Spring Roo被分为两个逻辑部分。

  • Exit the Roo shell and type MVN tomcat: run.

    退出Roo shell并输入mvn tomcat: run。

  • Execute the following commands in the Roo shell.

    在Roo shell中执行以下命令。

  • Roo uses GPG to automatically sign build outputs.

    Roo 使用 GPG 来自动签名编译输出。

  • Open the roo shell by typing the roo command.

    通过输入roo命令打开roo shell。

  • Roo brings these to rapid application development.


  • Again, type hint to ask Roo for the next action.


  • Unzip Spring Roo to the location of your choice.

    解压spring Roo到选定位置。

  • What was the rationale behind using AOP in Roo framework?


  • Exit the Roo shell and run the MVN clean install command.

    退出Roo shell并运行mvn clean install命令。

  • Execute the commands from Listing 20 in the Roo shell.

    在Roo shell中执行清单20中的命令。

  • You can now work with the latest development version of Roo.


  • This defect will be fixed in a future release of Spring Roo.

    此缺陷将会在Spring Roo的后续版本中修复。

  • The roo-hindi-addon was started using osgi start command.

    roo - hindi - addon通过osgi start命令启动。

  • You'll need to run the wrapper before trying to work with Roo.


  • This command will initiate the Roo shell as shown in Listing 1.

    该命令将启动 Roo shell,如清单 1 所示。

  • In Listing 17, roo.version is the version of roo you are using.

    在清单17中,roo . version是您所使用的roo的版本。

  • Roo will tell you that you should add fields to your entity using field.


  • Before we launch Roo, we have to create a schema in our MySQL installation.


  • This command will show you the metadata for your schema on Roo shell console.

    此命令将会在Roo shell控制台显示模式的元数据。

  • The time saved using Roo to add these features increases developer productivity.


  • The security configured by Roo is generic and has no reference to our application.


  • Go to the directory jamon-client and type the roo command to open a roo shell.

    转到目录jamon - client并输入roo命令,以打开roo shell。

n. 袋鼠